Roger | Page 13 | INFJ Forum
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  • Oh, boy, sorry, Roger! I have not used the private message function very often and am still getting used to it. Now, I think I am on your page. It is supposed to SNOW here today!!! We don't have much in the way of road-clearing equipment b/c we get snow so rarely, and the whole city shuts down, schools close, many businesses close, people swarm the grocery stores to pick up bread, milk and eggs in case they get snowed in, and then we get about a half-inch of snow, and it melts in a day. Lots of drama, little action. But it is always so much fun, and I will try to build a teeny-tiny snowman (best I can do) and maybe post photos... if the "giant storm" actually happens. LOL! Good luck on your exams, what are you studying? School is always challenging with hearing loss, but at least you can focus on studying better, right? (-:
    oh.. if you want to go it's really okay :)
    uhmm it's about 10 pm.. i am still doing a newsreport for tomorrow :)

    yes i think so.. i hope she finds peace in her... well i also retreated from here once and i also cried i stopped posting for almost about 5 months or so.. but then i recovered and then posted again

    well.. she's far wiser than me and I know she'll be alright.. she'll be fine.. and I really pray that she'll find comfort in love within her real life friends and family:) :)
    that's nice to hear!! :) :) I'm so happy for you :) :)
    we're the same in the friends ranging from 30s - 40s ahahahaha i don't know why.. it's just that.. they seem to understand me more and know me more than young people do :) :)

    what are you doing right now? and what time is it there right now?
    aww you see??? you are still loved despite the hearing problems!!!!! people love and accept you!! don't worry :) :) :)

    was that before though? because you're incollege now and you're not 17 so now you are more extroverted?
    thank you friend!! :) :) ahahahaha you can always talk to me too if you want to :) :)

    me.. I forgot it was about 2 years ago.. i was trying to find out more about myself and i took a test (i forgot what it's called) and... i found this forum.. ahhaha i joined and posted ahahhaa

    you're not an INFJ right? but you seem like an INFJ... :)) :))

    ahahahaha :) :) thank you really for always helping me.. i'm sorry if i needed a lot of comforting words :) :) most of the times.. i just need affirmation .. i'm sorry if i ask for help always...

    aww... that's soooo awesome!!!! it's nice to know a lot of people still care for their siblings :) :)

    how did you know your MBTi type? and how did you know about this forum?
    yeah ahahhaha there are people like that :) :) :) :) weird

    you're soooo lucky you have a sister!!!! i don't want to be an only child!!!!!!!! :( :( :( i feel really alone being one.. i have to fill up all those empty spaces.. with friends who are hard to find....

    whew! and you know what!?!?1 you helped me!!!!!! yey!!!!yehey!!!!!! ahahahaha the words you told me the other day!!! it helped me!! :) :) thanks A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i don't know too.. :( :( i really really like her.. like a lot!!!! i'll pray for her everyday!! :) ....

    hahaha nope i don't have any questions about the invisible mode ahahahaha you explained it well :) :) :)
    i wanted to do that too but i don't know how... how did you do it!?!? i tried doing it.. but i can't.. when i clicked on the invisible mode.. i still appear on the members list (members who are online)... and my name has an * :) :) :) .. anyways. is your sister still a kid? a baby? or she's grown up........??????
    aww.. I hope that emotional pain feeling will go away right now.. ahahahha :) :) yes I think my parents have a reason :) :) ... you know what..I feel bad for sookie.. i wasn't even here when she posted she was going to leave.. i wasn't able to send her a message.. she was really tooo kind to me.. she even said she loved me like herself.. and she prayed for me and everything.. oh my.. I will really really really really really soooooo soooo soooo much miss her... aww...i will pray for her

    oh.. i have a question... why do you appear offline when you're online.. you're not on my recent visitors list.. or in the infj index (the one below the online members list)?
    i've just memorized 30 words of chinese ahahahahah i don't get why my parents send me to a Chinese school when we're just one fourth chinese.. and we don't speak chinese at home.. so i end up memorizing all these and more ahahahha :) :) 30 more to go next week...are you okay!?!?!? you're not feeling well.. emotionally? or like you have fever? cold?
    I don't know about the understanding dreams part... or being particularly close to God... definitely I seem to notice things other people don't rather often. I'm pretty intuitive. Feelings have been both my downfall and my saving grace. It's tough to explain.
    Hi again, Rog... did you know there was a deaf Miss America? Yep, there was! Heather Whitestone McCallum. Also, have you ever perhaps seen the movie "Children of a Lesser God" and "What the Bleep do We Know?" starring Marlee Matlin? Excellent.
    Hi Roger, I think actually we are better than others. :-D Really. I'd like to see them try to cope with life without being able to hear properly. Also, I have mostly hearing friends, but I love my deaf friends; theres a sweetness and grit about them that you don't find in the general population. Cochlear implants are also an option... I may look into that some day. I have kids and not being able to always hear, for example, when they've turned the water on or are calling me can be a problem...
    thank you for all those wise words... i will read those again to remind me ..

    oh no it's okay.. i will study too :) :) i will do advance studies..

    thank you! *hugs!!!!* study well i hope you get high grades :) :)
    ahahahah no problem it's true :) :) well even if they're sad... you become sad too.. but how do you gain a positive attitude again?.. i find it hard to recover especially when my friends in school are sad and sometimes.. they hurt me unintentionally.... sometimes i wish i wouldn't have to go to school because of this.. i feel happier when i'm at home.. but sometimes too.. they give me happiness...

    wow!!!! i'm really jealous you have a loving family... do you love your sister?... she's lucky to have you as her brother......that great!!!!!!!! :) :) i wish i had this kind of family too....isn't it less harder for you to feel happy because you have less limited rights than others?

    thank you for the big hug!!!! i'm gonna hug you a hundred time more for being so kind to me and inspiring me :) :) wow!!!!!!! you really made me happy :)
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