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  • Haha - I suspected that might have been you. I have no desire to censor anything but when something is an obvious forgery (the only way I can tell is when I know I didn't write it or verify it by asking the alleged signee directly), I probably won't post it. That might violate my own rules, though. I'll have to think about it.

    Amon Tobin is pretty awesome although I'm not too sure about the album - the cover of which I posted there. His older stuff is more beat driven with incredible detail to the sound design. His later works --such as that one-- are almost more abstract with no song structure. If you check out anything of his, I'd check out 'Supermodified' and then 'Bricolage'. Maybe 'Out from Outwhere' as well.
    Lol, none of those are mine.

    And I do lie awake at night etc.. how'd you know?! Perhaps you, sir, are the creeper.

    And I wasn't going to say anything, but now that you've mentioned it.. Yeah, you are horrible at it. :)
    Think you've got the typing wrong there and the outburst didn't bother me, anyways, have fun I'm off to watch a film.
    Actually according to theory communication problems happen when one or more functions from one type are the last four positions of the other type.
    Well, I don't think that being passive aggressive is really a sensible way to deal with your emotions, but as you said, such is life, we all have our own ways to vent I guess.
    See now you're just over thinking it. ;)

    It has to flow naturally, otherwise it's only good for a laugh. Or perhaps I just don't care and laugh regardless. :)

    Who you callin' a bitch Fe-dom, punk? You wanna throw hands? Cuz I'll throw hands. Hahaha.
    It's alright, I don't really care if anyone reads this.

    There may or may not be INFJs here, I'm talking about the general atmosphere. It's too damn "nice". Everyone is so politically correct all of the time. You have to tip-toe around everyone and everything so you wouldn't step on someone's foot, because everyone is splaying their feet in all directions.
    It's funny: I've had my IPod out in the pouring rain a few times before and yet I still take the risk knowing full well that could be the end result. I am a fortunate fool indeed.
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