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  • I'm thinking about the same thing; but I figured it depends on what's being said.
    roughly speaking,
    "Based on (Data) this that and this,This is X" > Ti
    "Based on (value) this that and this, This is X" > Fi
    ..roughly speaking.

    *sigh* if that's what you're standing for, then go ahead. : )
    My mother is an ENFP. A badly bruised, bitter, blackmailing ENFP. =) So my experience with ENFPs might not be good. yes.

    And this might sound like a copout but I'm not speaking in the sense of 'you're not describing Fe so you must describe Fi so you must be a Fi user OMG ENFP!' in that post. It's just not right for me. I'm standing by that.

    And I don't know, saru; for one thing, the particular post we're discussing about is said and discussed in the MBTI section. And if you are aware, the people mostly engaged there are discussing it in a highly........rational, cerebral, method of describing. (One that I'm unable to match) This is -me- talking but, if you ever so decide to enter that kind of discussion, you should at least attempt to play within their rules. OR, you can come, say what you needed to say, and leave without caring so much about the reaction.. Now the latter is Fi.

    The way I see it, it's not Fe or least the healthy ones. (IMO, Fi shadowing to Fe and Fe shadowing to Fi is similar) You're just being -too- defensive and prickly right now. I understand things hadn't been so well for you in this forum, and the temptation to make others see your perspective are extremely high, but lay down a bit. Because if it's understanding you're seeking, you're not helping your case here.
    wait what?
    I find it weird that you're surprised, given that I said it to you straight after I wrote that.
    I didn't even catch that lol. I was reading them I was thinking "who the fuck are these people?" So much for preventing trolling!
    how do you see Fi as your critical parent?
    Fe would be my 5th, what role is that?
    ya, i've been hitting on you ever since we started talking.
    j/k i'm not attracted to gay males. not attracted to most straight males to be honest, except for once in a while.
    Tell us a few things about yourselfI'm 19, I'm male, I'm white, I'm funny, I'm smart, I'm wise, I'm serious, I'm foolish, I'm unintelligent, I'm philosophical, I'm goofy, I'm gay, I'm a writer, I'm a reader, I'm a consumer of music, I'm a creator of music, I'm a human, and sometimes an alien if need be.
    What the hell is this?
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