Saru Inc
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  • Re: denying the friends request thing - nothing personal there. I consider you a friend, I just don't accept them from anyone cause I like to keep my profile minimal and free of visitor posts, etc.

    ...despite me posting on everyone elses.

    lol, I don't really care if it is or isn't, the point is you're disruptive the situations you stir up aren't worth the time or effort, however; you're starting to bug some friends of mine which in turn bugs me, it's only simple math.

    have fun : )
    Okay firstly
    she's a girl. Okay?? We've been over this. I don't think I should have to tell you twice.
    And she's taken a nap and I don't think she's appreciate being woken up for this
    I'm not sure if that thread is a good idea.

    We've barely talked, but I hate to see everyone attacking you.
    Oh. Cankles are pretty sexy.

    @Below dude you and saru are exactly the same, you're like mind twins
    Saying the same thing does not equate to being the same personality type. If you actually knew something about MBTI and JFC, you would get it into your head that's how it works. But no, you refuse to learn about anything and skirt around any attempt to prove yourself. I've actually already proved we are different personalities, i've made a thread about this exact thing before. Just shows how incredibly stubborn your and your absolute entire refusal to listen to anyone elses thoughts or opinions. You just pretend to.
    If you think we're the same type then publicly prove it. If you don't, then I will do it. I did it with myself, and I will do this as well.

    I've seen your videos, that is what the vast majority of us use to type.
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