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Saru Inc
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  • that'd be funny. it could be true, but no way of proving it so if you wanna save youself some drama...
    When I read that confession, I didn't think it was about you.
    But then again, I have not read every post on the forum.
    Indirectly and directly others have spread infj elitism too, so I don't think it's likely you'll get banned for it,
    assuming you are doing it.

    The confession thread makes me annoyed to be honest, because I find it cowardly to post passive-aggressive stuff
    instead of actually confronting the person and maybe even reaching a conclusion.

    Spineless people.
    Hmmm, I'm looking at your Enneagram (I'm taking a hiatus from mbti to look at Enneagram) and I think that 6w7 fits you like a good quality book cover...adequate room for wiggle room while still giving a snug fit. The wing part, I am not so sure about.

    I've decided that I'm probably not a 4w5, but probably just a balanced 4. Definitely not a 4w3, I've also looked at 2, but I am not quite that self-sacrificing.
    I thought it was hilarious.

    Edited for privacy purposes
    LOL @

    Edited in case you ever want to remove it Awesome
    I like you because you seem to be an honest person, without the intention of upsetting people.
    Or something like that.
    wow, dude, that was a long wait i bet.
    my classes start at 2 pm so i get up at noonish everyday i have school
    all of them. three seed, lazy eye, future foe scenarios, well thought out twinkles, the royal we, rusted wheel etc etc. that's not even half of them, and in no specific order.

    my fave at the moment is "draining".
    so remember yesterday how i said that i dunno why people want to be infjs so badly. well, i read the infj personality description and then read like, istj description, and wow.
    i see it now. then again, it's kind of difficult to not sound better than an istj.
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