Saru Inc
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  • I dont watch a lot of comedy, I like dark comedy, I laugh at morbid stuff usually, I love the show House, thats a souped up Ni based show.
    I don't live in the US, I wouldn't be able to get there in time to have a 'Taco Bell'. I am more phychic.
    Of course they saw it as Ne, they are Si doms... Si doms dont seek to understand for understandings sake... they think that Ne = coming up with new info, they are only half right. It comes up with new info, tangent wise. Like if in your example you said, then her redneck father came out and shot me, using a 22. caliber bullet, which was invented for killing squirrels and small vermin, so I assume he assumed I was a vermin, kind of like how jews were called vermin by the nazis, and killed often with a 22 caliber bullet shot to the head, and in Israel they use 22 caliber bullets to kill terrorists and terrorists utilize cars like mine to drive suicide bombers around, and isnt that funny? I am a terrorist!
    And thats not even a good example, I am not good at Ne-ing like that, but thats the way it seems to work, my best friend for a while was ENFP he lived for Family guy, the guy who makes that show is also ENFP, Peter Griffon is an ESFP/ENFP combo.
    I knew you were waiting for someone to say that, so I said it to get a free reputation comment. I am more phychic.

    and you really have a malediction, all your threads turn into "OMG TYPE SARU" threads lol
    I saw a follow up interview with antoine this morning.
    He's doing well, don't worry.

    "21) Lazy about figuring out technological stuff or leave it to others - This one probably isn't INFJ related. I usually wish that some nice ENTP or ESTP is around to give me the Cliff's Notes on something new. While I am very curious about some things, I am not interested in discovering something for myself because I enjoy the process."
    you failed me and you failed our son. Who is he supposed to look up to now?
    Thanks for accepting!
    I've been viewing your vlog and I really like it. I was actually thinking to do something like this myself, but you beat me to it. (meanie) :D
    no, I get it. me reposting that pic makes me funny by proxy. I deserve a rep for that.
    Stupid Stats are Stupid.

    I am going to be dead by the end of this week -_-

    I am about to leave for school, so ttyl
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