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  • The thought of all of that made me want to vomit lol.
    it was the most odd sensation ever...I haven't thrown up since the 8th grade.

    My stepmom tried to get me to drink hot lemon juice, but I had to put my foot down on that one.

    I want Ginger Ale and Saltines and Bagels

    My stepmom kept asking me if I was preggers

    I missed an online assignment for Stat because I feel asleep so early
    Heya Boo
    How are you?

    I feel much betters now
    Alka-seltzer made my tummy ache go ka-pow!

    I really need to eat something today
    Whatever it may be, it won't be Chick-Fil-a

    [Boo food poisoning]
    But once in elementary school someone asked me what's 1+1, I said 2, and he said no 11 lolol!
    And another time, someone asked the same thing and then he said no window lololol! 1+1 with the = )

    So there really is more than one answer at 1+1. :o

    Become hulk if you want, but you can't disagree on that! :P (actually you can, because no one knows if 1+1 = window is really the truth...)
    I love driving in the rain
    ps. I don't think I knew you were homeschooled
    you're like caddy heron
    (but not as hot, srry)
    Im not sure if thinking aloud is extroversion.
    It's more needing the structure of communicative language to fully synthesize information
    writing is the same
    but slower
    Not feeling like yourself around others isnt introvert or extrovert, I know
    it is what it is

    We get jeopardy in canada
    by the way.
    Even on the canadian channels
    this is very true.
    If you need to feel energized, or restore your emotional balance, do you spend time with friends, or spend time alone
    I am becoming increasingly suspicious
    that you are in class right now.

    I don't know enough about MBTI or you to determine which you are.
    The thing with cognitive functions
    is that there is a time and a place for all of them.

    When you get dressed in the morning, do you pick what you wear based on how you envision yourself looking?
    or how what you are wearing will effect the people/situations you expect to interact with?

    when you build a fence, do you wonder why you build a fence?
    or consider how it will make the neighborhood look?

    I think you think too much about this.
    Wait a couple months
    and see where you find yourself
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