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Saru Inc
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  • The snow is so pretty :)

    And my mom decided that it would be "nice" to bring in a snowball to wake me up with lol
    Glad you enjoyed it. I was afraid I might tick some of the feelers off with my overly honest approach. It;s been known to happen.
    Ok, I'd be interested in your explanation.

    And Nicki Minaj looks like a straight-up Barbie Clown. I don't understand her appeal to be honest,
    Aww, poor woman.

    I don't like seeing innocent people getting hurt in any way.
    I'm not gonna argue T/F

    Maybe you and I just have our emotions and check and know how to be tactical :D
    Urtehnoes means INFP in sylvniastgian.
    So you're indeed a INFP.

    I meant that loving sports & talking doesn't make you ESTP BUT that loving to talk about sports does make you one :D

    For the puppy thing, it could just mean that you put much importance on puppies. Doesn't mean you're a T.
    Not saying you're not one either ;)

    Lion king is awesome.
    You're INFP.
    Loving sports and talking doesn't make you ESTP lol :p
    What in the puppy thread made you think you're a T?
    why does your type say estp and your signature enfp
    or is that a way to tell that you're a contradictory person?
    I don't think I'm better than anyone
    based upon their typology, that's just

    My dad lost his job, and that's why.
    The thing I've noticed though is
    that every personality type thinks
    they're special and different than
    the others.

    And it's like, no, no sweet child.
    All humans have like tendencies.
    It comes from being of the same
    evolutionary background and

    I joined the INTp forum. They all think
    they're special too. I'm always commenting
    on threads "this is not an INTp thing, this
    is a human thing."

    Merry christmas to you too urty :)

    Also, I'm experiencing facing homelessness
    right now and it's really scary and stressful.
    Congrats on Being My Opposite :)

    And you can be a cop, just please PLEASE don't grow a caterpillar on your lip. Eww lol

    Life is great :)
    I got Santa a gift card to the Toll House store.

    So in Tiny chat a few days ago, we were talking about a Zebra Unicorn Pegasus.

    Lo and Behold

    Omg, we should go skating. I went today for my niece's birthday (which is Saturday) and actually had a blast,

    (I suck at it, but I can do it without busting my bum, given that I hadn't done it in 7 years)

    And it's GREAT excercise
    Do a test drive. :D It certainly doesn't hurt to see how it feels for awhile, and ask CDM & Kavalan. They're good folks too. Most of all, be you and enjoy you. :)
    So, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not an Intj, but an Infj with a well-developed Thinking function. Some people on here, even my close friends think that I'm extroverted...Truth is, I'm not. I've forced myself to be extroverted most of high school and found myself extremely drained/overstimulated...and as I slowly slipped back into introversion, I felt more myself, happier than I've been in years. My parents are still trying to force it on me...especially my stepmom. She's always forcing me to go socialize with people, to get out but I don't want to most of the time. Personality is a fun journey, isn't it, Sam?
    Ahh, Good Ol' Mr. West. His music is hit or miss with me...I remember when I first heard of him in '04 lol.

    And I shall have to listen to that.

    OOPS! lol But that was probably a smart idea that they did, not saying that I wouldn't still get irrationally pissed that they did lol
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