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  • Yes, I do, and I am going to ask you to please not mention it anymore as I am beginning to become very irratated by it.
    True story: on my other forum there are 5 dudes who play rs. They all bot, sell and buy accs, etc. etc. I was like "yh im hunting" 'rly what bot" "umm... by hand?" "lol noob."

    Funny quote is funny.
    I'm willing to do so and I'm curious as to what you have to say. I don't type many people and when I do it takes serious time to go through all the particulars. at this point i can only do this on what you show. Indi I know well and am near confident in my assessment. That said that is why I defend his position as his personality is not in question and you are the variable. You say you are similar but what you show doesn't agree with what you say. I want to hear you out but at the same time you need to see what I've written.
    lol, it is the only song I know and like of them, so I guess exception are allowed. :P
    I haven't seen enough of your posts to judge correctly so it is a possibility. But lets not forget that most ENTPs are not bookworm intellectuals, but rather smart intuitive people jumping from interest to an other, but always very passionate about something. They always go for shortcuts and seek the easiest ways to do something.
    And also, I don't believe an ESTP would be interested so much in INFJs and last that long on an INFJ forum. It's ridiculous.
    Dude, BRO. It's cool man I wasn't offended : ) I had fun chatting with ya.
    There was constant interruptions in your logic. It was jumpy, and difficult to follow. An idea would sprout of another without the first one maturing yet. Hallmark manifestation of Ne.

    I would even venture to say Ne+Ti. Ti is the master of logical analysis ( whereas Te is the master of logical application), and that showed in the lengthy nature of your post, but because it is only auxiliary, Ne kept sidetracking.

    So, ENTP.

    EDIT: Academia and school may influence Ps to become Js temporarily, because it is a very structured atmosphere.
    Yeah, that was very interesting to read. I went and looked up my type as well.
    and you do have a square head lol, just like Michael Tarpey (who is an entj coincidentally LOL)

    I might have to clean my room, but who knows lol.

    I need to sleep, but I'm not sleepy :/
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