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  • Don't worry, I don't mind meanness so much. I'm subjected to it for 8 hours every day.

    Congratulations on settling on a type.
    Given that I don't know you in real life, nor have seen sufficient evidence of you being one type or another, you'll find me utterly uncaring of what type you choose to consider yourself. (: I just find it funny how quickly your mind changes regarding your type.

    I had posted it originally, but then I decided since it was computerized to just go with something where he was dressed up like a woman, but I decided against some of the more.... attention grabbing outfits.
    Pahhhh 'homophobe'. I can't help it if I'm only attracted to big, burly, hairy men. (I'm not joking.)
    Is your friend list on RS full?

    Because I want to whine to someone when I'm starting to pk again on my pure when the wildy's back.
    I'm not saying you're anything, I was just wondering ;)

    Start the bets for how long you'll last as INFJ. Hehe.
    Okay then. Go for lists :P

    1) Why would people be hurt about that? o_O Nobody's going to cry because they thought you were a different type. You're even less credible if you keep changing your type to what people say.

    2) If you really want to believe you're like him, go for it. ;) I guess you know yourself better than we do, even if you two seem to be absolute opposites.

    3) Video won't load but okay.

    4) Explain Fi then. ;)

    6) Not more than any other type

    10) Because you all think you're INFJs (not only talking about you) doesn't mean that you'll all be very alike. There's only 16 types for like 100 billion humans or I dunno how many there's been, so...
    Oh ESNP like S and N? Oh okay I thought it was some kind of spy agency or something like that lol

    2) This is what I'm talking about. He even said there was 90% he didn't agree with.

    4) Yes... you knew INFJ and that's why you were once convinced you were ENTJ. =/
    Why didn't you explain how you weren't esfp and blahblahblah instead of switching types?

    5) Most people are more quiet and all that IRL, just like most wouldn't randomly say lolgtfo to random people.
    Do you even know what Fi is?

    6) I hate lists :(

    and yes fe can be manipulative, but how is that related to anything?
    Uh... so you're exactly the same as indigosensor, arbygil and sotl?
    This is highly unlikely, plus you even posted something and indy said he was not much like that.
    You can't be that different online and IRL. It looks like you don't know who you are anymore...
    & What do you mean by "I don't trust my Fi" ?

    Lastly, wtf is a esnp
    Why did your old signature say ENFP with kinda strong P and now J with 95% J?
    You switch personalities pretty easily don't you?
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