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  • You'll figure it out eventually. I'm also not entirely sure on my type either.
    I had a dream that we went umbrella shopping. I got an umbrella that was white with dark pink flowers and looked kinda like a scarf a russian lady would wear. It was very beautiful. Thank you for your assistance.
    Lol - you're not a troll; you're just figuring things out. I tend to give people the tools and the information, but after a while I'll leave them alone to mull it over. I can't give you any more information than I have; the rest is your journey to get that "aha!"/lightbulb moment.

    Now, here's something else *IF* you think it may help you. It may confuse things further, though. It's called the Kiersey temperament sorter. The sorter can help you determine if you're NF, NT, SP or SJ...but it will only work if you're honest with yourself (look at the bigger picture; look at who you are all the time - warts and all - rather than what you're like at just the moment).
    What I personally do is seek Possibilities, but only because I want to make a well informed decision.
    And Ps do that, too! This site I just found might be helpful (or not). It basically explains that our behavior can change to fit situations, but behavior isn't type-based; it's behavioral. For example, you could've lived in a strict home that required you to clean up every day and you learned how to be precise. That doesn't mean you're a judger; it just means you learned that pattern of behavior and you adhere to it.

    So don't think of behavior as the same thing as type. Most typing takes place in the brain first, and then an action may or may not match the thought processes.

    Anyway, that gets a little too theoretical. Try looking over this article and see if it helps:
    Like I said, make sure you're not using stereotypes to assume "All Ps are this" or "all Js are that." Functions don't work that way. If you must stereotype - and this is the reason why I see "P" more than "J" - is that you don't want to make a final decision and you want to keep getting more information; you don't want a conclusion, you want a discussion. And the reason why I see Ne-dom is the idea that you want the whole picture from everyone around you instead of internalizing it and thinking it through your brain. Ni will internalize what's said and mull it over in detail, and it'll see something someone said and ask questions about that particular point for clarification. Ne does something similar to what you're doing right now. :) So no, I don't see Ni as one of your top processes at all. Ne is much, much more you:

    Extraverted iNtuiting involves noticing hidden meanings and interpreting them, often entertaining a wealth of possible interpretations from just one idea or interpreting what someone
    What makes you think you're not a P? Besides the possible, "I'm organized, I'm on time" argument, I mean.
    :) I still think you're either ENFP or ENTP. I think you're hung up on the I/E stereotype. If folks say you're sometimes too cold, then you might be an NT type. The rest? I don't know. Like I said in your thread earlier, you don't have to like people to be an extrovert.
    BTW: ESFP is Se Fi Te Ni. You have to have a balance of introverted and extraverted functions.
    I think it's more like irritation, though, and that's an INFJ thing (for the most part): If we tell you what we think you are after we've analyzed it, and you still disagree with us, then we'll pretty much stay irritated. And we won't continue helping you because we "gave" you the answer earlier. It's no big deal; that's just how it goes, mostly.

    But with everything you've said in your message, where do you think that places you, as far as MBTI is concerned?
    Well, it's up to you...and if you were a bit drunk then sure, all bets can be off. Or maybe you were more of yourself. I can't say; you have that feeling of extraversion to me, but only you know what's right for you. If you're determined, then no one can tell you otherwise.
    OK, first thing's first. Jim Carrey is ENTP, Hitler was INFJ. Also, the rest of the first video is full of inaccuracies that I don't want to point out here. The dude has no idea what he's talking about.

    I'm going to PM you the rest of it...
    It's actually extremely important to me that I am corrected, so I can properly assess people.
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