Siamese cat
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  • What a nice thing to say about me. Thank you.
    As for coping with the loneliness - well - I had my animals, pets, and nature to help me cope. Unfortunately - most don't have those "luxuries" at their fingertips. I also read a lot of books - especially fantasy stories about little ordinary people standing up to the bad guy(s). I found those books more fascinating when the cultures were well defined. It helped me learn about people - in a convoluted way. In your profession you will find yourself isolated. I remember when I was a ChemE - I really floundered. I hope you have access to groups that dance together like Zumba or practice yoga or meditation or places like those.
    Love massive attack! The first song was really interesting, thanks! I will look for you again on messenger. I haven't been around on the forums much lately, I need to catch up on your blog.
    Enjoying yourself eh? ;P

    I'm okay, I'm sick of these damn exams though.
    I'm not sure if I'm going to enable it.
    @ The Jester

    I'm fine, drinking coffee and enjoying myself. You? When are you going to enable your wall?
    that was brave of you, i have thought of going there, i know that i would cry a lot if i did.

    i stayed at home and went to bed early!
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