Siamese cat
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  • T
    I should also tell you that the antisemite statement I made wasn't to be taken serious.
    Because I just thought of how you hadn't replied ;P
    I just came to the conclusion that I'm pretty asocial from time to time.
    I reject 75% of the offers of people to spend time together. (It's not that I get many though.)

    I wonder why.
    'New years party?
    No thx lol, I rather study.'

    Study = look up funny cat pictures.


    Because you had to miss me like for over a month.
    Which must've been heartbreaking for you.
    Oh, selfish me...
    the song was just meant as a bit of fun to celebrate your graduation. i'm glad you're enjoying your quiet contemplative time but i couldn't resist.

    i know what you mean. at times your blog reminds me eerily of myself.
    i'm enjoying reading your blog. some of the things you write interest me a lot. you know what you were writing about the media guy telling you to concentrate, did you perform well on camera because you took in the information he was giving you, or because you already knew that stuff? is that "Se" type stuff?
    Thank you SOOO much for your rep comment. I got all teary when I read it; and yes you were right about it being all I really needed to receive. :hug:
    becoming a busy day, took me this long just to get back to the comp to write this.
    Haha well thank you! Sadly my eyes are just confused, they just don't know what color they want to be.
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