Siamese cat
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  • i'm glad you're still here! thanks for your words and i appreciate your encouragement! i am very interested in being a writer. i hope i will publish something so i'll be able to sign a copy and send it to you. and thanks for the book recommendation, i will let you know when i have read it. ♥
    i'm pretty good. wasn't writing on your wall with anything special to say, just wanted to check that you were still on the forums. CONGRATS ON FINISHING YOUR MASTERS.
    Lol! Yeah, I am familiar with them. =)

    Those statement were awesome. I am gonna look for those Facebook groups now. :D
    Here's to a happy winter for both of us. I share your sentiments on the cold. :)

    I am sure you did just fine on the interview. Are they streaming it online?? :P
    LOL that is interesting. Were you nervous during the interview?

    Not a whole lot. I am just kinda trying to enjoy life lately.
    interesting choices. i like the way the chorus of only happy actually feels like being high (on misery), if i listen to it when i'm feeling inconsolably blue it makes me feel like i can embrace it. i don't think i can choose a favourite on that album apart from vow. maybe i just choose that because i have a thing about revenge songs. if i start to think of what could be my second favourite they all just start crowding in. you've got to love stupid girl, queer, my lover's box, milk... and so on. once i heard that garbage was started by butch vig after he produced aenima and pink garbage was the trash ideas from that album that didn't work for it. which interests me because i never really became very interested in tool. did you? maybe i should try it again.

    i think my favourites from 2.0 are medication, and also you look so fine, and the trick is to keep breathing. my favourite from beautifulgarbage is probably so like a rose.

    & thanks for congratulations.
    Thanks, that means a lot. I haven't listened to Adam Hurst in a while. I will have to listen to it again soon.
    good luck on the projects! Thank you for the offer. I am going to hold off for now, but perhaps we can talk in the future.
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