Siamese cat
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  • ...As a random note, I found your avatar's 50s smile slightly........disconcerting, so to speak. It feels like... a maniacal grin hidden under a seemingly delightful appearance. Is that on purpose?
    I didn't get to live on my own much during high school but I loved doing it. I also loved it when my parents left the house for a day or two as well. And nice, I hope life will treat me the same way it did you and hmm...I don't really know what I'm going for at the moment. Which aggravates me, but it's the truth. Right now I'm planning on focusing on marketing lol.

    Aw, I'm sorry :hug: It'll all be better soon!
    College and paying for college is my unpredictable future at the moment. No matter what happens, I'm leaving my house though, so I'm happy about that. Independence, ya?

    Aw, so you want me to shut up!? I'm hurt ;_;. I'm sorry though, I know how it feels, I just try to relax in situations like that but I'm not sure if that's possible for you (I'm a kid, I have tons of free time y'know?)

    I'm doing decent despite a rather unpredictable future. And I have changed my avatar, my avatar was made for me by a friend a while back and I found it in my photobucket yesterday and I thought I'd use it, it's a really nice avatar imho. And thank you again, how are you?
    i'm so sorry to hear that! *smothers you in hugs* xD hope it gets better soon, I know how stressful it can be to have one of those days.
    I'm doing wonderfully, just got back from a vacation after exams and am starting classes again this week :)
    I really want to see the movie, as well. On a shallow note, I've seen screencaps, and it's amazing how much the actors look like Ana
    Oh, really? This is exciting! I mean, I haven't found anyone else who's read any of her stuff since I started getting into it, haha.

    I've really only read some of her diaries and letters so far, though. The stuff that's mostly non-fiction. I bought a copy of Ladders To Fire, which I'm going to start soon to get a taste of her fiction. Is Delta of Venus good?
    Your avatar is very funny, I love coffee and it sure does make you do things faster lol
    Thank you very much! Life has been crazy, just been tryin to keep up. How about you?
    Hmm what sounded like an epic whine, but what I meant was I didn't have anyone else to worry about at the time, unlike your situation.
    Wow that does sound very queen-like. You lucky girl.

    Mine was a long time ago when I was very very young. Nothing special, just left alone or by myself for long periods, day at a time for years. Only me and my imagination to bide my time locked in a house. Not a good way to raise a young kid. But it wasn't as major as yours. I can't remember if it broke me or not, I was too young to know who I really was.

    May I ask which health issue got to you back then? Glad some good came out of that terrible time for you.
    A queen? :) Really? How does that work?

    It happened twice!? It sounds dreadful. Once would be bad enough - I can't imagine what you must have felt like when you realized you needed to go through it all over again. :( Was this during high school or university? How young were you at the time? I'm glad you are now doing what you enjoy.

    I asked because it seemed really important to you, it seemed really important to understanding your points, and there was a long time in my childhood where I went through something a bit similar.
    Hey there Cat. Sorry - I was wondering: When you said you had a very long period from school, how long was it?

    Hope work is treating you well :)
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