Siamese cat
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  • Its about 26 degrees C here. My weekend was emotional because a good friend (somewhat more) moved away from me and I was worried about their well-being. I have since talked to her and she is doing well.

    Work has really picked up this week and I think that has helped me to kick my ass into gear.

    Don't worry about reading the blog more in depth, I am going ot be posting some new content in there soon. I am going to try to start being more open, at least partially. Try to push the comfort limit, if you know what I mean.
    I would always be willing to go into more detail on things I post in my blog for you if you like.

    WOW, lack of sleep + PMS has to have you in one hell of a slump! Here, have a cup of coffee, we better make it Turkish. :D
    My weekend was rather emotional, I was in a bit of a rut but I am feeling better lately. How did things end up turning out with that prior interviewer???

    How are things otherwise?
    ahahahahahaha im sorry...forgive me...cant stop laughing....ahahahahahahaa....okay...thank you, you're a doll.
    You're studying INTJs? Are you trying to find out our secret power!? You can not trick us masterminds!!!....Anyways. I'm not the quintessential INTJ by any means, I have super Fi for some reason. (Hence probably why I'm here) You're more than fine? What happened, if you don't mind telling me of course? And I'm doing pretty decent, I just got back from shopping with my dad. It was pretty fun. Now I'm looking forward to playing some Kingdom Hearts II and eating really unhealthy chinese food with a apple flavored soft drink straight from mexico!
    Hmm. You sound like someone who can't help but overflow with potential and who has a rich and interesting way of seeing the world. I'm a bit jealous of you after that description of the equipment though, it sounds like you get to have fun around a lot of intricate wonders. :) So do you always feel this much pride and interest in the advancement of mankind and good technology?

    Fulfillment is when I put aside work and give myself time to be a decent human being to others. I don't seek it, but I find it whenever I keep my eyes open to it. I don't want to help people, it doesn't give me a happy buzz either, and theres always a drive for something more so it doesn't really fill anything. But if given the choice between something outrageously challenging or being a genuine soul to someone in need... ok, honestly I need both or I'd be insanely bored. But only the latter feels fulfilling. The former challenging stuff is just fun.
    I find that funny because I can relate to that longing to escape boredom so very very much :)
    You have my sympathy in the happiest sense of the word - heres hoping that your job stays engaging and entertaining for as long as you practice it.

    Yeah, but it doesn't make me feel fulfilled :) It just makes me happy. Seems like two different issues to me, fulfilment and happiness. (I'm probably an odd case though.) I just operate from every part of me at once, from the core, its what I do if somethings worth doing. On the other hand work isn't what makes life fulfilling imho.
    What do you think? What do you find most fulfilling?
    lol probably, but my time machine's broken, I blame NAI/mf and their 3rd nonexistent head :P

    *sips coffee* this is delicious, thankyou darling <3 I am doing really well, studying for exams and enjoying life. what about you?
    I think that's awesome though that you can talk about your job endlessly, you must really enjoy it :) And that's really neat that you get to call the shots, but not be completely on your own. It sounds like it will be excellent experience paired with good guidance.

    As for me, I'm pretty much looking for any place that will hire me. My job for the fall semester starts back up in about 2 months, but until then I'm only working maybe 6 times. The job I have (night shift security in residence halls at my university) was supposed to be full time for the summer, which I desperately need the hours, but our budget cut cut over 75%. So now I'm looking for jobs anywhere, and trying not to let it be known that I'll only be there for two months.
    I just read your message on NAI's wall, I can't believe that guy would act so unprofessionally! But like what you said, I'm sure you don't have anything to worry about. If that's how he acted in the brief amount of time you were talking with him, I bet his reputation of being a jerk is well known. Also, that's really cool that you get to make some important decisions. It doesn't sound like easy work, but who better than you to do it?! Is this something that your mentor will guide you through, or is it basically you calling the shots?

    Nothing too exciting on my end. I'm just job hunting and taking some online credits at the moment. Otherwise, I've pretty much been a bump on the log for the past month :D
    Ha! That is creepy, almost too creepy.

    So what's new with you? Anything exciting?
    Why do you hold life long learning dear to you? Not that I'm disagreeing with it. It just seems to be of near to central enough importance to your choice. :)

    If I say I love creative pragmatics or self-striving like the fountainhead, its going to sound too stereotypically INTJ. But I do. I love to challenge myself; when a plan comes together; a small team; interesting people; that even when at uni, when I got a project I knew that it was going to be as good as the effort I was going to put in, and that I could take it more or less anywhere my innovation dared and that it would still probably work.
    Sounds like its going to keep you engaged and quite entertained for a long time - cool choice :D
    You must be smart. Why control engineering?

    I'm working at an architecture firm and its really fun - but I'm not sure if I was going to try for civil engineering instead of an architecture masters. I love architecture though. :/
    That does sound hectic :D

    I'm doing a work experience year at a firm atm to meet the final masters prerequiste.
    Its sort of a mandatory in-between-degrees thing.

    What masters degree is it? Are you enjoying it? :D
    Glad you like it! It's awesome, right? Would love to find a poster of it. :)
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