Siamese cat
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  • Its really hit or miss in alot of cases. We tried about 4 or 5 different types of food before we found one he wouldn't throw up, well in this case he only throws it up once in a blue moon. My father says the fella has hung in there out of pure meanness, which could very well be the case the cat is mean to almost everyone but me. He plays with me even though he's vicious, calls to me when I've been away for awhile and I come in, so we definitely have a special relationship goin on. He used to fetch when he was younger and my folks didn't have a dog, he would do backflips in the air catching these little rubber toys I threw for him. Then he'd hop back up on the footrest of the recliner and drop the toy ready to go again!
    I think I already do. On an unrelated note, thank you again for the kind welcome :D

    Its a pretty cool pairing. But unless I'm mistaken, although INTJs can see straight through ideas they have difficulty seeing past them. But within that tight domain they are quite apt at survival. I think INFJs tend to have the advantage of a more balanced vision. Lucky to be you then in that sense. :D Ha - the grass ain't greener...

    Sure, in some ways I'm an open book. However, understanding what you read is probably going to be another matter! Haha. If you study us, do tell me if you understand and reach a conclusion. I'll be wishing you all the best and look forward to any further insights into anything that you may share. I think your observation about the INTJ forum is spot on. And speaking of being spot on, I'm a sucker for practical missions of self improvement - I do love your attitude so.
    heheh this is entirely possible! My sister's boyfriends agitated the hell out of him when he was a kitten, is why he is the way he is now. I sympathize and don't take it personally when he gets cranky, he's elderly and I was always taught to respect my elders.
    I definitely will when he decides that it is petting time :) You learn to respect his wishes or you get scarred for it!
    :) That was one of the first times I experienced the music playing in my head. Was the Siamese cat song from a cartoon heheh, everytime I'd see her.

    My kitty now is a very old black cat with white socks. He's mean as a snake to everyone including me but still now and again when he needs affection he'll always come to me and let me know, then he's really sweet. Fellow is 18 years old, I know he will likely pass soon and I'll miss him :( But I try not to think about it too much. His name is Wu
    ^^ My aunt had a Siamese cat when I was really really young, I was mystified by it. It was like no cat I had ever seen before. Markings were beautiful and its fur was soooo soft and cudly I've never met another kitty like it!
    Don't know yet, haven't stuck my head out the door yet to get a hold of the weather. Still mornin, feel like I woke up bout five minutes ago so I got the mad scientist look goin on O.o
    That was very rude of me to do and I apoligize, sometimes I click and scan like a robot! Hello! :)
    I bet she is the talk of the cat town. I'm looking forward to reading so I can catch up with everything. I caught the joke, I laughed. I just didn't write it down. =D
    I'll be gone till Thursday or Friday. I don't actually like fried chicken or chicken in general. I'm a faux-vegetarian. I will be missing everyone. Now tell me kitten. How is your life? What is new?
    /Blows steam
    So far so good. I'm going to Kentucky tomorrow with a few of my friends. You are the first person on the forum I've told. Maybe I should get around to letting people know I won't be around. ^^;
    Nice avatar. Kind of gutsy and bemusing. Again, like your user name, great pick. :D

    I think INFJs can usually see past peoples' actions and into the nature of their intentions and situations. While thats pretty neat, what I really want is to get to know you guys more and experience how you deal with people.

    I'd like to stay here for a while - if you guys will have me.
    And so... greetings - I come in peace from planet INTJ! :D
    My godfather works at the theater in East Lansing so I try to go pretty often. I've been slacking the past couple of years though. MF and I are planning to see Chicago when it comes around next year. That should be fantastic. I also want to see the Nutcracker again. I love the ballet. It's so beautiful.

    I'm off to bed. We will talk soon.
    You read my mind. That's crazy.
    I am enjoying my night. I went to see Phantom of the Opera with MF. I think it was a successful datenight to say the least. Now I'm just thinking about turning in.
    How was your night?
    But we need people to delineate between what is good and what is crap. I hope people slate the shit out of it, even if people may go to watch it because they are curious as to how awful it really is, that shouldn't be an excuse to say "Hey, don't bash it, or it will make more money". That little notion itself just sounds really dangerous to me because: Hollywood cinema is in such a dire state as it is, we can at least rebel by universally trashing the crap they keep making. We can then at least attempt to make audiences think about what they are watching
    Thanks SC. Don't think that I was being negative on you! No Mame!! And I agree with what you said, it certainly doesn't make things go away. It's just nice to have a break sometimes. With a large family that doesn't happen much. I'm talking about a real break, not a few hours of quiet when you get home. Thanks for your comments! :)
    she is certainly that...she is stereotypical cat...she rules the roost, and she owns me. shes a lover though.
    Yes that is my kitty...shes a brat but I lurves her...It seems only natural if were going to share a body that we be I have accepted! :D
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