Siamese cat
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    Yea, the semester has ended this week, and I should be studying now.

    Actually, I'm going to now, because I'm going to meet a friend in the evening and if I don't study now, I won't have done anything.

    Thank you for the reminder :$
    I actually did read something about volunteering :$

    Go you!
    You're right, it shouldn't be that touchy.
    Oh yea, normally I don't read a lot of blogs. Yours just had an interesting title :$

    Still having problems with the job opportunities eh?
    Come to belgium. We actually hire womenz!
    Heh. Well, religion is kind of a 'touchy' subject I assume.
    See this thread for funny jesus pictures.
    Please. Dey r teh lulz.
    I liked the post in your blog about bible quotes.
    OMG I would LOVE to play cello! Sadly, the only instrument I play is guitar and not all that well! LOL.

    I am starting to learn music theory, I can do some metal riffs and such but nothing exceedingly fluent or improvised. I have a couple songs that I made but I look forward to being able to churn them out en'masse. I also need to develop my voice.

    I thoroughly enjoy music and I would love to be able to do my own, but of course it is just one passion among many.

    Perhaps someday I will dedicate time to purchasing/learning the cello. Would make for some wonderfully relaxing evenings.
    Yea, I think saying I didn't like happy stuff wasn't quite right. It was a bad choice of words. I dunno how to describe my tastes, they can be rather sporadic!
    Picking up women from bars and consuming lot's of alcohol.
    How have you been? :O
    The Vivaldi is freaking fantastic and the last one I freaking love, they play it at graduations here.
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