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  • Hello my friend! So nice to see your message. Been in the weeds a bit, but I miss INFJ and I particularly miss Merkabah. How are you?
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    Reactions: Skarekrow
    Not and downs...nothing new there...haha.
    Can’t wait to turn 40 in two weeks.
    I see you are there already with me though...I hope you swing by Merkabah, it’s still there, though maybe not as active as it once was...I have been going for long stretches of being absent here.
    How have you been?
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    Well...please feel rest may not see it in your part of the country but there are people who will continue to fight against people being marginalized and religious discrimination legislated. It is sad that it has been boiled down to something so basic, I’m sorry.
    If it’s any consolation, I called all the auto repair places and put up signs all over my fence asking for info. and last night some teenage girl knocks on the door telling me she say the sign and couldn’t live with the guilt if this guy had killed someone...he was apparently very drunk when he left this girl’s Bfriend house. The cops have his name and he is going to be charged with “hit and run”.
    The cops have to witness him drunk to charge him with that too...but at least I know who to come after to pay for the broken fence he crashed into...MUhahahaha...don’t fuck with an INFJ when they are out for justice! That is how I feel about the way we treat LGBQT people...I love how they are all so scared of “Sharia Law” but have no qualms legislating their own holy law. More weekend warriors for Christ.
    Skarekrow, your Avi looks like Obama doing an "up yours" to Trump as he takes office.
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    Thank you for all the many likes!!!
    I liked the second article re ley lines/energy webs, but it's so complicated. I'm going to have to look and see if there are any programmes/ documentaries on this, as it's all quite involved. Would be nice to get a sense of it visually. Thanks for putting it up. I hope your doing ok and having some luck with your enquiries. I'm chanting for the best outcome for you!
    Skarekrow will work out one way or the other.
    Meanwhile, I will continue to do my best to steer things in a positive direction.
    That’s about all anyone can do.
    I am not sure about documentaries...I will have a look myself for something similar that might explain better.
    Like I said...I have quite a few more links also...I will post them up in a bit for you.
    Skarekrow, I know you get a lot of requests for Tarot readings so I feel bad asking... If you can, I have no hurry for this. I just have a sense there are changes ahead, and a new life phase..and if your up for it, I could maybe send you a distant healing in exchange (need to arrange a time if so). If you like??
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    Oh...I have sent copies of my story to the local news stations, several senators, and national public radio.
    I will read your cards when it is right to read them...sometimes I feel I have to wait for certain people...or maybe it’s just me...but there is a time and place for it.
    I go through a “ritual” of smudging my house and meditation before and after pulling the cards. After I pull them I meditate on the question and what cards I received...sometimes there are specific things that need to be told to that person and me putting it off would be neglectful. I will have time...I can’t call after 5pm most places anyhow close then.
    Just have to make sure I am relaxed enough to get into the proper frame of mind, which is kind of a trance I guess you could’s hard to explain. When I type out my explanation to Sinny I will try to explain better. Gotta run!
    Much love!
    I hope that you are doing well too.
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    As well as can be.
    I’ve been trying to be more cognizant of the good things in my life and less centered on my health.
    Have you been depressed or anxious lately?
    I have days that are too much then you don’t see my on here for a while.
    ...Given your interests in the esoteric and spiritual. I ask for support from guides, my 'higher power' etc. and wonder what your view is towards this, to me it seems like a natural thing to want to do so I guess I'm just curious about your view on it.
    I hope I was not insensitive! You are very stoic, and this is always inspiring. I suppose some of this is also 'fuel' for some of your other spiritual / energetic experiences? I'm interested though, if you don't pray for yourself, do you use intention in any way to help yourself?
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    If I pray for myself, then it is to help me feel well enough to be a good father to my son and a good lover to my other. But I have long since stopped praying for anything further than that.
    Yes, this is what I meant, ^ as positive intention for wellness!
    So glad you've got those two bundles of love in your life too! Always makes things better, whatever the circumstances.
    Hey @Skarekrow I was wondering if you have a video to recommend on a thorough explanation of the Kabalah tree. Preferably one that incorporates the tarot journey. Got anything in mind?
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    It’s a video made by the Thelema group.
    Take it with a grain of salt.
    Oh? What is the Thelema group? What are their biases/what should I keep in mind?
    The law of Thelema is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will." The law of Thelema was developed in the early 1900s by Aleister Crowley, an English writer and ceremonial magician.
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