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  • Thanks for the likes, mate! You have wonderful taste.
    Thank you my friend! Hope your day is going well.
    Oh that sucks! There should be a way to have the ringer shut off during specified hours, maybe it can be done on cell phones already.
    Thank you for checking up on my ramblings lol. I'm doing well. Have been spending more time with friends recently which has been good for the soul.
    That's great... I have just been attempting to figure out what my next goal in life should be.
    Something not easily decided...but turning 40 will do that to you I guess hahaha.
    You know how it is I'm sure better than most.
    How are we supposed to make future plans when some days you gotta take it hour to hour?
    I hate the fickleness of it all.
    Glad you are doing well!
    I'm just bitching...I'm okay otherwise. Lol.
    All good man. Yea it would be nice to not have to even account for such things/days when coordinating future plans. That's for sure. Such is life.
    hey you! How are you doing?
    That is really great for sounds like you have a very developed idea of what you are getting yourself into.
    And it seems like you have a great outlook, the right mindset to do such a job. You seem like you would be the right amounts of spitfire and empathy! Good luck!
    Totally miss surgery.
    I had an offer to teach at a private college in Portland....but, I would really need to be more reliable than my arthritis will allow me to be.
    I don't want to let anyone, much less a whole class down because I couldn't make it in half the time.
    But yes...I really do miss me it was so fluid and intuitive it was almost meditative or trance like in some ways.
    I miss having a direct impact on someone in pain.
    Hey, just been reading through your Merkabah thread and noticed you @ mentioned me. For some reason I am not getting mentions sometimes and I think I never got the notification for it, so sorry about that! If you wanna talk about anything further you can always drop a line on my wall or PM me. Have a great day :)
    Skarekrow thinking of you. Hope your doing O.K.
    And it is very much appreciated...probably more than you know.
    I just am trying to live in a less self-centered manner.
    To be more aware of how my ego gets in my way and the stress it can cause.
    Thank you for being there for I said, I will take any energy you want to send me...because I have been sending out my own into the world, so that would just add to it I suppose!
    (I am here for you too!)
    Much love!
    Yes well you may have noticed I've been a bit crazy recently but I'm also trying to be less self centred so that makes two of us!
    Good job...I didn’t notice you were acting self-centered at all.
    So it must be working.
    My enneagram stacking is 286 - I'm quick to aggressiveness and I hate it. Which is why I'm always tempted to join political discussions but know I shouldn't.
    I don’t know what my enneagram is...I once did.
    But I was being rude looking back on my post, so again I apologize for was uncalled for.
    Being quick to be aggressive is not so bad, if you can channel that shit, you can become very accomplished (not that you are not idk you that well).
    Anyhow, let’s start over.
    Glad to meet you...I hope your day is lovely.
    Whoa there haha! Thank you! Hope all is well my friend
    I love your current avatar. It's glamorous and suits you.
    Hey Skarekrow, hope your doing good! Have a great day! I like your deer Avi's too.
    Hi Pal, How are you?
    Hope everything is fine. :)
    As for your job...if you can’t see yourself making it into a career and you can find something else you enjoy more or similar...I say get the negative stuff out and quit if you can...however, if you love what you do and would like to make a career, then what needs to change?
    Best regards,
    Thanks Michael,
    Yeah I've been doing much better than the last time we spoke.
    It's kinda complicated now though :)
    Thanks for your warm words.
    Hope everything is fine for you my friend :)

    Doing well enough.
    Sorry it’s complicated...but such is life I suppose.
    It won’t always be that least you know that life will always change.
    Glad you are doing alright!
    Much love!
    Thanks for the likes, hope you're well.
    Can’t complain...I mean, I could...but then I’d be a liar and a complainer...or...hmmm?
    I’m good, hope you are too?
    If the pain gets bad try the chanting I told you about? 10 mins AM and PM (doctors orders) for 100 days... tell me it doesn't will I'm sure, worth a try? Let me know what happens?
    I hate to be bossy but sorry- (I am evidently).,
    I'm OK but will be better after my exam. Lol, I hope I pass ?*^)(*^"
    Good luck!
    There are some very specific meditations that I have been doing that are seeming to work...though it is work sometimes.
    The pain isn’t too bad so long as I don’t move...then it’s fairly tolerable. lol
    Thank you, as always :)
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    Crazy feeling...I totally understand least I think so...or maybe not...I think I do...haha.
    Hopefully no nukes anytime soon!
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    Reactions: Wyote
    Pretty sure you do lol. If people around here don't get me as far as stuff like that is concerned, nobody will.
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    Reactions: Skarekrow
    Been out in the world experiencing life and getting my butt kicked :p I'm pretty good. How are things?? I will try not to disappear this time lol
    Same here I guess...still dealing with the ever expanding arthritis...but I have decided to stop the IV infusions because they made me so physically sick/ill...short of breath...heavy heart beat...was worried I had CHF. But alas, when I paused the treatment to switch insurance...I felt so much better...but now the pain has returned.
    I have come to pretty good term in that regards though.
    I am not fighting my pain anymore like I was.
    I meditate daily now, and it has been my lifesaver.
    Sorry you got your butt kicked....just chock it up to experience, you are all the wiser.
    Glad you are doing okay!
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    Reactions: Skarekrow
    No thank you!
    I wanted to comment on that video about gnosticism, it was very interesting...though I disagree with the degree he went in a materialist scientific way...dismissing certain phenomena.
    But was otherwise was a good listen!
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    Reactions: Wyote
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