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  • I am so sorry to read of your brother's illness and Senskiko's dog. How devastating. Sending you positive thoughts.
    Hey hey! Not too much new on this end. She's just over 7 months and growing like crazy! Aside from that, just trying my best to stay afloat. How about you?
    sup, man?
    im starting to question if im actually bipolar, or just occasionally suffering from depression
    But only you will do. Haha... In all seriousness.. Idk, I must give off the wrong vibes.
    Is it like the masons? Can I get something cooler when I level up? Haha
    Yeah it probably is feminine energy. I've had this before. I feel very yin oriented.

    I've tried taking in more energy and it works for a short time but isn't staying balanced lately because it's like the new energy doesn't stay... it's getting sucked up by something.
    Hi my dear friend <3
    oh I'm sorry to hear about all that. :( what happened? :( are you feeling better?

    I didn't know anything has happened to you but I realized that you were in the mood to answer. I then understood that you just forgot about it,
    you don't have to apologize at all, I don't expect you or anyone to anything

    Well yeah, I stop being active here some months ago, after Ruji and some other members attacked me because I said in one of the threads that I only want to have a distant relationship and that's enough for me! I couldn't handle any stressor from the forum.

    Then I didn't need to as well, cuz I've found someone, a friend, who makes me happy :) and I don't need anyone else to be happy anyway.
    but I was busy planning for my future and what I managed to do was just leaving my job recently , so basically I'm jobless atm. not an accomplishment anyway.
    I had interviews so it's probable that I can get a job this week

    so yeah ,that was about me and I say this again, you don't have to apologize my dear friend :)
    I'm good :)
    so much ups and downs lately, but I'm ok :)
    How about you?

    I sent you a msg here some months ago , but you didn't answer :P thought we weren't friends anymore :P
    Your vm message to yourself, where you comment on how right you always are.

    I may have been a tad drunk at the time I wrote that, so...yeah.
    Did you tell yourself you're right as always and then thank yourself? Damn, talk about narcissism.

    I like the sir bit, think I'll use it. "Sir desires food at once cretins"
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