Hi my dear friend <3
oh I'm sorry to hear about all that.

what happened?

are you feeling better?
I didn't know anything has happened to you but I realized that you were in the mood to answer. I then understood that you just forgot about it,
you don't have to apologize at all, I don't expect you or anyone to anything
Well yeah, I stop being active here some months ago, after Ruji and some other members attacked me because I said in one of the threads that I only want to have a distant relationship and that's enough for me! I couldn't handle any stressor from the forum.
Then I didn't need to as well, cuz I've found someone, a friend, who makes me happy

and I don't need anyone else to be happy anyway.
but I was busy planning for my future and what I managed to do was just leaving my job recently , so basically I'm jobless atm. not an accomplishment anyway.
I had interviews so it's probable that I can get a job this week
so yeah ,that was about me and I say this again, you don't have to apologize my dear friend