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  • INFJs are known for being the bearers of other people's burdens in a sense. We soak up others problems to try and understand how best to help them. We tend to carry a lot of guilt or at least hesitancy when seeking out the lifts we need in life, but others are just as ready and willing to help. Fortunately infjs generally at least have the good sense to seek counsel in times of need. It is ALWAYS a bitch to try and get up when life takes you down, but it's also ALWAYS worth the fight.
    Like dang was saying, pain is pain. You live, you learn, and all that. No shame in getting knocked down for a minute as long as you get back up.
    Any bit of positivity in such a manner can tip things so I appreciate it. Butterfly effect and all that. Back at you my friend.
    Thanks! Glad you had a windfall of your own. It's been a major stressor for probably the last decade honestly, and though it's not as if all problems are magically solved there is at least some good breathing room for my family.
    Yea I've been at a conference but I'm good. Actually got some relieving news today about my family's financial situation so I'm feeling good at the moment.
    What I'm looking for? Are you referring to spirit animals or to a sexy dragon that has a thing for tiny mortals. The latter I have found, but she was a lesbian. Just my luck.
    It's actually going great! I'm not depressed any more, just on lamictal and it's working wonders. Haven't been cutting for over a year now :-)
    Thanks. I meant in my last visitor message to say that you were "giving good advice," not "giving advice," lol. Sorry, that must have sounded weird.
    Thank you. I really hope you heal well and your next procedure is smooth. I have thought of getting another small dog from the rescue here. My other dog, Z., has been visibly depressed since M.'s passing. He needs the company, so you are giving advice.
    Glad you are having solids at least. You have more procedures soon, right? I hope that goes well.
    Yes, missing my little friend every moment of every day. He was a special presence in my life for so long. Everything feels different and a bit surreal without him.
    Yeah, I have a tendency to get into those too. I have tried not to lately though because I am too emotional. How are you feeling lately? Can you eat your favorite foods again?
    Did you go on a vision quest to discover the other spirit animals or did they just come to you? Would you say it's been a positive influence in your life? Sorry for all the questions. I'm just kinda curious about shamanism.

    I've researched a bit about power animals. It's interesting stuff. From what I've read you eventually meet 9 spirit guides through your life with one (which I suppose would be the crow for you) as the primary.

    I'm pretty sure mine's a dragon. I mean, I watched the hobbit just after I masturbated to dragon porn. Hardly a coincidence.
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