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  • I'll probably read it at some point, but I just got done writing two philosophy papers, lol. I'm gonna take a break and be lazy for a bit, then I have to write up an outline for my final paper by today. I hate the end of the semester X_X
    That's all you really can do, right? Very happy to hear that you're not depressed :)
    The meds are still working wonders! I feel so lucky that I feel like myself at 13 again.

    What's your impression of ENFP's? What are your experiences? Do you know anything about the type? Be brutally honest :)
    I had a professional test done, and it showed overwhelmingly that I was an ENFP. Never saw it coming, but after having it explained to me it made sense :-)
    That's what I was thinking - only darker and a little deranged haha. Glad you liked. ^^
    Thanks for the offer to help! I'm actually doing pretty well (most of the time :) ). My marriage was never one that I would call 'good' and it got pretty bad near the end, so although I do struggle with loneliness and trying to figure out how to make friends and function in the world as a single person, it's so much better than what my life used to be like. I'm learning a lot about myself, and learning how to not feel like I need to adapt to everybody else's needs and ignore my own.
    No, I haven't touched anti-psychotics. I wonder if my psych would even prescribe me it. I'll remember it as a backup plan though, so thanks.

    Do they use like really low doses or something?
    Your posts give me hope that there are some clear-thinking people South of the border (and among humans in general). I can see too that you are willing to listen and debate in a reasonable and respectful manner which most of the others aren't. So many times I have seen people accuse you of things that are not accurate and just their perception of what they think you said. I have also seen you be reasonable and accommodating and even apologizing to people who are the ones who should be apologizing to you. I can relate to trying to balance trying to get important information out and correct misinformation while trying to keep the peace. It's very challenging, I know.
    I'm sure that I'm not the only one who notices the quality of your posts and the good qualities that you have that come across through them. Those that get upset at you appear to me quite biased and blind to their own flaws and unwilling to consider the weaknesses in their arguments. This is my sincere opinion :) and please don't get discouraged and leave as we need more people like you on here, not less.

    As for me, its a long story, but at the age of 45 I'm living alone for the first time after leaving a dysfunctional and emotionally abusive long-term marriage, studying psychology full time, running a business, and trying to get into a Masters of Social Work so I can help people and get paid for it. My spare time is spent volunteering in palliative care and with a group that helps women and girls to empower themselves through education. At the same time trying to convince some family members and friends that their anti-muslim stance is uncalled for and that Syrian refuges are human too and deserve our help. I think there's more but I can't remember right now, but that's my little bit to try to save the world :). If I had more time I would do more but I'm also saving a bit of time to try to find myself a boyfriend :), one that has a good heart and understands my need to save the world.
    You are one of the most reasonable ones on here in my opinion. Keep up the good fight. I think sometimes things still sink in a little even when it doesn't seem so and eventually things do change to a certain degree.
    I'm well, working on my version of saving the world while trying to save myself at the same time, it's all good :) .
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