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  • Totally. It is good that you feel better than a year ago!

    If nothing else, this ordeal is teaching me patience. I hate being patient. :P
    I suspect it is a benefit from having testosterone suppressed more adequately. Being on the hormones makes me feel better in general I've found, but it has been extremely gradual.
    I'm doing well. Slowly working on things.

    This is probably the most motivated I've felt in years.
    Thank you. :) Yeah... We can only hope for the best and try to accept things as they are and do something to things which can be helped, otherwise just live in the moment...
    Thanks and I'm sorry to hear that too...
    Yeah, I think that might be part of the reason why so many are feeling kind of hopeless/gloomy. :/
    It's just too much when so many problems are happening at the same time in own personal life,
    one human being can just handle only some amount, not everything. ;__;
    No problem, there is always something interesting to read in the Merkabah thread.

    Thanks... I haven't been well, but I guess it's just part of life to have those darker/sorrowful phases in life. :/

    I hope you have a great day!
    YES! "The air is thick"..... with possibilities, probabilities, and potentials. [grins hugely] You're feeling it too. Right now I have chill bumps all over my body just reading your words and "reaching out into it"....
    I've been very emotional these last many days. Lots and lots of sadness pushing up from within me over the strangest things...
    As I try to put into words what I'm feeling around me is like a huge clockwork of gears and turning things. I just felt another gear fall into place with a loud Click.
    I hope you have a Sparkling day! :hug:
    What??? There is no rush at all. These times are very wonky any way. I get the feeling it's all up in the air at the wait until you feel it. That could be next month for all we know...yes? So don't worry. :hug:
    There probably are. The world is full of crazies. I've been told to my face that because I have tattoos my child is going to grow up and live under poverty.
    Lol, you're fine! You don't have an obligation to respond even. It's all for fun :)
    And we are all pretty busy, lol
    Good ideas! After I said it I realized I should ask a question. Don't be afraid of what you say when you're reading the cards. Remember - each of us are Sovereign Beings. As long as you intend for the highest good of all....then whatever comes out of your mouth is meant to be said. Whether it's heard by the other...well...that's for them to decide....Yes?
    I definitely want a reading. Can you share it all in my thread? Should I ask you a question? Or can we do a general reading with messages from the universe for me?
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