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  • ok then, if you're sure you don't mind ^^
    from the tone of your posts it feels like you're not sure what you believe, like you haven't found anything really reliable yet... i kind of noticed it because i can be like that too, confused and lost. the thought pattern seems to dart all over the place, as though your mind is conflicted... and it seems like you value traits you don't think you have in yourself.. like integrity, honor, strength.. you see yourself as ridiculous and slightly insane (which i can completely relate to btw xD) and yourself personality as a continual work in progress (rather than having accepted it the way it is).
    does that help at all? (and i'm sorry if it's way off!)
    oh i hope i didn't make you feel uncomfortable~ and it's not obvious, just more of a hunch, i only mentioned it because it seemed you felt bad about yourself because of it, and you really don't need to be~ you have plenty to be confident about! :hug:
    glad my words could help ^^ you know, you often seem unsure of yourself and your abilities, as if you're coming across too weak or unstable, but your posts are usually quite informative, and your demeanor is sweet and helpful. learn to love yourself a little more trifoilum~ you deserve it! <3
    You're welcome. I always found it interesting to go back and look at my old topics that I asked for help in or expressed my opinions on a subject. It's quite a realization to recognize the differences in yourself based on you growing as a person and also by realizing how you acted in that particular position
    Nothing much, I am just overwhelmed with school and work. So I haven't been as much of an extrovert, because i am in my head thinking and studying, it's the Ti. lol

    Nah, I am not strong. It's just my survival instinct. haha

    wow, that's really interesting, I've always wanted to learn how to cook properly, lol. And don't feel ashames we all get tired and feel like giving up at some point in life.
    Yeah, and people working in the industry are real assholes too. They treat you bad if you so much as take a break. or god forbid you work less than 13 hours in a day. Grrr. They all smoke too, over here.
    oooh, it took a lot of effort and communication for us to understand each other this well, and even then sometimes we don't understand but we know when to stop fighting because we aren't getting anywhere lol

    haha, yeah I already thought of all the possible scenarios, and if it's the worse then I think it might pick up again, because *I* have laying low lately, with all the stress and stuff, but oh well.

    Haha, me and engineering have a very strange story that one day I'll share with the forums lol, but I usually don't let the homogeneity bother me and I try to adapt as well as focus and school. Also, I am good at shrugging things off, so that kinda helps some days.

    What are you in?
    I got really really sick from stress and allergies with only 3 modules to go, and I withdrew. The industry is too brutal for me, I need time to think, reasonable downtime and I'm too sensitive. I'm better cooking for family, friends and maybe catering a small party on my own.
    Oh, and I went to SAIT polytechnic. Calgary Alberta.
    Haha, it certainly is a distraction. :D

    Weirdly enough we get along so well too. We laugh as much as we argue. I think when you spend most of your life with someone you come to understand them better. One thing I know is that, regardless of MBTI, I love her to death. :D

    No, it seems to be subsiding now, I am not sure what happened? Perhaps it comes and goes in phases? I am in Engineering. =)
    I try to fill my time with something to do. It's hard to think of something tho when you have the forums. lol

    Oh, oright. Yeah I see how that can be unnerving, it's like someone who thinks they know you well, but not really. I understand that, it could very possibly be the reason why my sister and I argue so much haha. ISTJ vs. the math :P

    Thank you. Yes, she is in the same program as me, and we have the exact same career path in mind, so we're going to be around each other for the next 3 years lol
    haha i just tried it on the random thread and it worked :D thanks a bunch! and yep, sunday. it's going great so far. how are you today?
    haha, free time is a double-edged sword, too much is just as bad as too little. :P

    I don't think I have met someone who knows me THAT well yet. I am still waiting haha, but I can imagine how annoying it can be, if the person is being critical.

    I am doing oright. I still hang out with her, she's not doing it outright lately, and we've been having a good time, so she's getting more and more independent. Maybe, she has more confidence now.
    It isn't that I am planning to leave, they are planning to lay me off. I have been given a termination date. I was very happy with my job with Wyeth. But Wyeth no longer exists.

    I will have to start searching for jobs once I get closer to the termination date. Honestly, I should just be looking now, to find a suitable one and screw them. But having double pay for essentially six months would sure be nice (6 months severence for when they lay me off.)

    Everyone faces their own problems with their on adversaries. Difficulty is relative, and you shouldn't discount yourself, probably one of the reasons you are depressed.

    Sorry, at work I am uber T, Lol!
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