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  • The worst thing (imo<--I learned that from your thread) that you could do to yourself is trick yourself into thinking you aren't feeling this the right way. There's absolutely no right way to go about it, but it is all part of a process. You don't deserve to beat yourself up over feelings you don't control.
    i don't think it'd work out for this month...i don't really know yet man.
    ah right. i knew that, i just didn't connect the emotion with the action (of wanting to punch someone)

    save the hot weather, a jog would be nice. pushups also help me clear my mind/emotions if you do a good amount of them.

    and I am sorry. will be praying for you all.
    why? i mean, you can punch me in the face if it makes you feel better, but why?
    Ah, when we reach these pinnacles of age, shifting energy in awareness and changes are on the horizon. That is a lot to deal with.
    cra = Canada Revenue Agency.....? (LOL)

    (I am guessing it means "crazy"?)
    Kiddo? I don't get called that often... feeling very old lately Wyst? :P

    I find text speak cool and hip. Alas, I am neither. lol
    That's interesting. I am as emotional in my ramblings as they get sometimes too. Its awesome. :D
    In recent times my energy has changed I can feel it, curious paradigm shifts are going on, which will help when I start applying them to reality. Until then am in the mood to be visually expressive and started that here. September was a suspension of disbelief kind of month for me, it is possible I'm in a mini crisis, ha every other week I'm sure. Its getting better, actually my naturopath said I react to everything acutely...cute. But she said I am all of a sudden in much better health...whatever kind of strange sacred geometry healing I received from this energy healer last month its helping.

    How about yourself, how has life been for you?
    Yeah, as Synapse at TypeC. hahah I seem to change names when I register at different places. I gotta stop doing that, less confusing. I should keep my name as is. But then I took a peek at INTJ forum once and was mortified that an impostor INTJ took my name so registered there and here as SamE. While I haven't posted a thing at INTJ forum I like the INFJs Forums very much. NF forums make me happier than NT forums.
    Can we be real friends who actually communicate with one another again?

    Please at least respond with a yes or no.
    I've just started taking those classes, so I can't form an opinion on them yet :P
    Forensic medicine isn't really 'chemistry', it's just determining how a person died.
    We're basically looking at dead bodies.

    I find it very nice of your roommate and his girlfriend that they're doing this :]
    Spreading happiness, hooray ;D
    Forensic medicine, criminal law, psychiatry, ...
    I find some of them fun :P

    When will you be meeting her?
    And how did they bring this up?
    I'm fine, classes have started again and I'll be finally busy in a few weeks.

    I'd be excited about meeting her too, have they told you anything about her? :]
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