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  • Pretty much.
    Unless something is done to rouse
    some sort of other expression.

    Nope. I don't think I will for a time.

    I feel like I would be calm around you.
    I usually run for an hour.

    I was talking about for the GRE.

    Do you go to church with anyone, like family or friends?
    I got done running about ten minutes ago.
    So far I'm disappointed at myself for being awake already.

    That's a lot of people time. That's a lot of polite conversation.

    I once went on a date to a wine tasting. I was quite surprised
    as I'm pretty sure I was only nineteen at the time. It was about
    a year ago now that I think on it.

    Are you going to dedicate yourself to studying?

    What are you going to cook?
    yeah man! not a whole lot. been getting involved in S.O.s and church, good times.

    how are you, friend?
    I knowwwww I'm bad at pming sometimes :3

    I'm working on it.

    What do you want from me?
    Uhm. People use lame pick-up lines
    on me fairly often but mostly they're
    joking I'm pretty sure. None of them
    really stand out. I don't really pay
    that much attention to that kind of
    stuff because most males immediately
    turn me off. I should really resolve
    some issues or something.

    I will continue to call your blinds
    curtains, if (formerly is, my typing
    is not so grand) this is one of your
    pet-peeves then I guess it just
    wasn't meant to be.

    Why attracted you to the women you chose?
    Hm. It depends.

    Odyne gets all the love.
    After reading her Sven and John love
    triangle, I'm not sure she's for me after

    That's really tough, up or down.
    I love the wind in my hair even
    though it makes it a tangled mess
    so if the weather's appropriate;

    Do you like your curtains opened or closed?
    She just seems so nice.
    I wish to be more nice.

    What health risks run in your family?
    I think some people do.
    And then I think some people ask questions
    to avoid being asked certain ones. People
    are tricky. Tricky. Tricky.

    I like housewarming parties. They're my thing.
    I love appliances. I hope you have a grand
    garden tea-party time and you're safe. Be
    careful who touches your glass, mister :P

    What's on your mind?
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