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  • Wow, you must've absorbed lots of the culture and language in those 2 years. That's awesome!
    lol, not at all!

    Both your job and your major actually sound interesting. Did you get to travel around for your studies? (seeing how Asia is on the other side of the planet :P )

    Why yes. I am a nerd indeed. I shall take that as a compliment. =D

    Oright, hope yours is better than today.
    That does sound like a long day. I hate dentist appointments. If there are pains I can't handle, it's headaches and toothaches. I don't know the movie, but it sounds uninteresting.

    I am in mechanical engineering. My days tend to be long and exhausting, but I got lucky with the schedule this semester. Assuming you're done school, what do you do?
    Mine was sort of laid back. I only has one class in the morning, and the rest of the day off. So it's kinda my favorite because it's an extension of my weekend. :P

    Was your day long?
    sorry. shoulda but some background in there.
    Re: your blog post. the barrista
    Self-deprecation is another form of false humility. Be careful ;)

    I rarely get good pictures taken. That one is one of the few.

    Why an idiot? Refer to my last blog post.
    Then I guess I'm not fun to be around.

    No. I hadn't.

    Why are you an idiot?
    I like your vest in that photo.

    What if I were nothing. Just void?
    Would you be spacey and empty too?
    Have I? Are you smiling in it?
    Should I go searching and "refresh"
    my memory of it?

    I'm not sure if that's a good
    thing or a bad thing.
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