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  • It probably has less to do with a weakness of will and more to do with perhaps realizing later down the road that this, too, is the wrong path. I guess I'm not the kind of person who sticks with something simply because that's what they've been doing and have decided they will do so long as it is reasonable to do so. But I digress...

    The Myth of Sisyphus is actually a philosophy book by Albert Camus. He basically explains how even from nihilism there are clear ways to reason out of nihilism. What he actually ends up doing is making another philosophy, called Absurdism, which is basically nihilism but makes a big deal about the conflict between the human search for meaning and the inability to find any. I'm mostly interested how he reasons around the solution of suicide (to handling this situation), but as typical of philosophers the logical trip there is rather dry and boring.
    Familiar with the phrase "You're all talk."? I fear that might end up being true for me.

    I'm basically just taking care of odds and ends until classes start tomorrow. I've been reading The Myth of Sisyphus since I got in, but I'm probably going to go novel hunting today as it's been a while since I've read a good story.
    Well, I realized that I have two basic paths in life: I can either go the safe and easy route, probably through focusing on my studies and becoming a well-paid computer programmer, or I can take the more unpredictable but richer and intenser one by following what I feel is most important to me, regardless of how likely it'll keep me safe.

    There'll probably be many days I'll be stressed and wish I took the former, but I'm willing to bear the risk now.
    lol they are a huge distraction aren't they? i need to use the computer often for studying, and it's just way to tempting to spend hours here doing nothing =P
    the novel sounds fun, lemme know how it turns out :)
    i'm glad you're back! :hug: missed you around here. what made you decide to take the week off? and yup changed my av, got tired of the old one, i must have had it for months.
    i'm doing really good, thankyou for asking =) you?
    I wouldn't say that I am deductively INTP, but I think it comes the closest to describing me, yes. I exercise Fe on these forums because it is not inherently natural to me. So sometimes the caring I show may seem overdone, because I am trying to be more expressive and I am not the best at it.

    I think it would be a lot easier to see if you knew my demeanor outside of the forums. This is sort of a 'safe place' for me to be more expressive.
    I have considered myself INTP for a long time. :P

    I am a lot different here than in person, lol.
    Oh my... o.o

    Do you realise how deviant that sounds? Poor choice of wording!

    Anyway, *frowns at you without speaking*
    I officially love you for mentioning World War Z, but I can't Rep it because I need to "spread it around." So in the likely case that I forget to add it later - Much Luvs for comments referencing WWZ.
    Lol. I really didn't know that, when I think of a quote, I just try my best to use my words to describe the concept in totality. Haha, I used to use analogies to flavor up my quotes but...then I realized, my analogies didn't mean the same thing to other people that they did for me so..yeah. Avoid that now lol.

    Aw, Trifoilum, I suspect that you'll be great at making quotes! You should try it out.
    oh that sounds fun ^^ i havent been reading much of anything except the news and lecture notes~ it's quite boring. ive been pretty tired. looking forward to the weekend :)
    lol you don't have to say anything, just knowing you are actually reading what i write is enough ;)
    " Even improving oneself is best done without something chasing you from behind, no? XD"
    haha, yup, even when that something is your own sense of right/wrong (shoulds/shouldn'ts, goods/bads etc.) it's so easy to fall into this either/or line of thinking~ and it usually doesn't help in whatever you're trying to do, only makes you feel guilty for not living up to your own contrived standards.
    anyway, how are you doing today? ;)
    Thanks for the rep. I'm very glad that what I said helped you, I know where you are coming from, I was in your shoes at some point. But obviously you are growing and soon if not already you'll be out of them too. :D
    :hug: thanks once again, i'm always reluctant to describe people here in case i offend them or just end up saying something completely inaccurate (wouldn't be the first time) I know how easy it is to misunderstand people based only on an internet forum.
    anyway, yup i've had experiences feeling like that ;) mostly when i was younger, these days not so much. the way i dealt with it was being extremely logical about it, just divorcing myself from the situation (and other people) and looking at it clearly. doing that helped me realize what my values were, and after a while it became simple to rely upon them and act on them, and be less swayed by the opinions of others -because my own were based in fact, and their's often weren't ;)
    it's still not that easy though~ i do still have moments where i doubt myself, where i feel a little crazy and unsure, but it's certainly better now than it was before.
    lol sorry for the super long post xD i hope that helps ya out a little bit :)
    Thanks for the reps, glad you were able to grasp my intent. It is tricky replying to an emotional support thread, there is always the risk of doing more damage than good. Take care of yourself.
    You're welcome and I know what you mean. I've looked at old topics of mine and I was embarrassed by my lack of thinking outside of my perspective. Can't focus on the past though, you have to learn from it.

    "By focusing on your past you do not affect your future. The past achievements of yesterday have no bearing on today" - Me!
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