The doctor didn't talk to me after the test - his nurse(?) called me with his recommendations and this idea.
I have a 'gut feeling' (as stupid as that sounds)- the dizziness I experience is stemming from something other than Meniere's. I've felt that all along.
Yes - the rural areas are extremely difficult to survive in for a variety of reasons. But I'd rather deal with those - than the difficulties of living in a large city - any day. Give me trees and relatively fresh air - and room to breathe. Know what I mean?
I admire you Norwich - I really do - in your dedication and determination to provide a nurturing childhood for your girls. You are a living, breathing, real life example of what it is to love someone unconditionally.
Summers are so very hard on families - aren't they? Why don't the schools stay in school all year long now? It's not like we have to have the children to help us till, plant, and harvest food like we did a long time ago. It's got to be hard on the kids too. They've just finally developed routines in school, interacting with their friends, and challenging their growing minds to learn and retain what they've learned. Seems a waste to me to upset all of that. Oh well. I suppose that's a campaign best left to others...
You'll make it! [hug]

It'd be interesting to hear about your struggles with the girls in your blog. I wouldn't care how despairing you sounded. Your situation is one of a group of unique relationship dynamics and is a wonderful example of trying to help the world by giving your time and energy to helping others in this adoption. Sure, sure, you also hoped to receive love for yourself also. We all want that. Yet from what I've seen out there in the Adoption/Foster world, your girls are extremely lucky to have you in their lives. (And I know you know what I'm talking about). It's true - isn't it...
You can't tell your children how much they drive you crazy. You can't tell them how much it hurts your heart when they seem to reject you. And in our society - you really can't tell anyone how you'd like to 'chunk it all' and walk away - can you.
I wish we could have a cigarette and drink coffee on the porch and talk.