+1 Sentence to an Absurd Story game

The eldest gods retired to the
Tumulus of Bougon to lie for all of eternity.​
The innately racist greek gods decided to try fitting in with the french by wearing strings of garlic around their necks, wearing berets and riding bicycles
Some American Tourists assumed they were the real French and that the real French were English pensioners.
One of the americans, who had recently been arguing with his neighbour about the accuracy of stereotypes, decided to photograph zeus in his beret, intending to take the photo back to the states as evidence he was right
In the midst of all the perversion and casual racism, cooler heads prevailed and everyone agreed that it would be a great idea to take a trip to the beach and build sand castles
Someone built a full size leaning tower of pisa out of sand
The resources of a generation were funneled into the ever expanding tower and as it grew floor by floor, as the the overhang of the leaning tower became more and more improbable, the gathering crowd of spectators began to fear the inevitable
And then, the inevitable came to pass as Bernie Sanders supporters moved into the tower believing it was another freebe offering.
The tower collapsed into the sea causing a tsunami of epic proportions
Upon learning of the spreading tsunami, thousands of dolphins, alerted by humpback Morse code, mobilised.
they raced up the face of the impending wave and began spinning, neutralizing the force of the wave with the torsion of their bodies.
Having successfully neutralised the tsunami a particularly smart dolphin named Dave began wondering if this new found skill could be used to not just stop tsunamis, but to create them
Some of the dolphins started making plans to do some sightseeing and shopping in the street malls of Manhattan.
However the other dolphins were all jealous of Dave and his otherworldly intelligence so they conspired to leave him behind while they went partying in Atlantis