[PUG] All white people are racist and must confront their racism

They need to question, for example, why Santa Claus is white and why isn't being depicted as African or Japanese or any other racial identity.

Sounds like an overkill of political correctness to me. Addressing racism does not require completely subverting Western mythologies. It's like when people try to suggest that there is no such thing as 'race' or that ethnic differences do not exist... I think it hinders rather than helps the issue of racism.
I'm struggling to understand the point of this thread.

Anyone who is sensible or intelligent doesn't give a shit about race. If I was purple, any person worth being around wouldn't care.

About this "white guilt" thing, and I'm speaking as an African American, I don't think whites should go out of their way to be racially sensitive or whatever. Or harbor unnecessary guilt about slavery or feel that they are condoning racism in their "passivity." What a lot of people don't know is that there were slavemasters that treated their slaves extremely well and freed them after they passed. Or that in countries where people who were formerly slaves got control (Sierra Leone, Liberia, Haiti) the people who eventually took power never got rid of slavery and ended up continuing it in a more sadistic fashion than the colonists.

There are more important things to discuss.
I don't think all white people are racist, but I do think our culture here in the U.S. has racist undertones that often go unnoticed (especially by those unaffected); however, these feelings are not restricted to white people per say. The racist mindsets are in everyone because they are generated through media and whatnot.

The real problem I see is that many people believe that racism is no longer an issue when it is still a very real problem.
About this "white guilt" thing, and I'm speaking as an African American, I don't think whites should go out of their way to be racially sensitive or whatever. Or harbor unnecessary guilt about slavery or feel that they are condoning racism in their "passivity."


I can understand that people should be critical of themselves, but to say that not actively dedicating all kinds of time and effort to anti-racist action is the only way to not be racist is a bit much. Sometimes the issue isn't racism, but nepotism… I'm not saying the latter isn't a negative as well, but I really don't think you're ever going to be able to convince people to not identify with familiarity… it's like saying people who look like your mother don't bring back all of the memories you have of your mother, or people who look like the guy who raped you don't bring back all of the memories of being raped.

You can't just force yourself to contradict your natural inclinations and instincts and years and years of learned memories. You can try to be rational about these things but until everyone looks the same you're always going to have people showing preference for certain appearances/looks/behaviors/manners.

I think that the best and only way to fight racism is to promote a more integrated society with diversity in classrooms and children associating with different races at a young age. I do think it's possible and very rewarding to cultivate a more globalized classroom where foreign cultures are explored and celebrated equally, but then I also think that people are still predisposed to identify with the familiar… and if they're being exposed to situations involving people who look and act entirely unlike they do, then they're not always going to be able to appreciate what they're seeing… and then they'll also have to return to their lives outside of the classroom, which are probably dominated by one culture more than the others.

I do think that diversity in general is far far more promoted in western societies than it is in others though, and ignoring this is extremely shortsighted-- like you need to make it into a guilt trip for white people as opposed to a celebration and encouragement of western progress.
Idk but one made it to president so it can't be all bad.

That was an extremely cynical move on the part of the power elite to win back people to the political system who were losing faith in it because of the unpopular Bush era

So they got a black guy in telling people to have hope and that 'yes we can' make things better; well that catchy slogan is now sounding pretty hollow as Obama seems to be as much in the pocket of the bankers as Bush

As president of the USA he is not that high in the masonic heirarchy. He too is a pawn and before you know it they'll replace him with someone else.
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Firstly: I didn't read the entire post because it's long and with has the title "All white people are racist and must confront their racism" it sounds like a rant by an American with white guilt.

Secondly: "All white people"? So you mean to say that even though I'm Irish and my people were little more than slaves when many of these atrocities happened, I'm should still feel guilt for something, neither I nor my ancestors had anything to do with?

Thirdly: All people are prejudiced. If you grow up in an area that is mainly populated with black people or white people, then you're going to feel somewhat insecure when you come across someone who is different from you.
The irony, of course is that putting "All (any race of people)" including whites under one umbrella is the very definition of racism.

Edit: Nice thumbs down there, Kid. Care to explain how I'm wrong?

Definition of racism
"the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races."
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One of the most striking things I have read as I have been studying true history and culture is something that was stated by Dr. Molefi Asante. He was discussing the way that we approach racism in society, and how on a television program, an African will be invited to come speak about racism and how it effects society and the cause of racism. But what we are doing is asking the victim of the crime why the crime happened. It is the same thing as asking the rape survivor why rape happens and why they were raped. It is not the job of the victim to educate or examine the crime, it is the job of the perpetrator of the crime to evaluate themselves.

This is what is missing in contemporary society is the examination of White Racism, without blaming it on genetics or something detached that whites can do nothing about. Why are the books we're studying in higher education not asking the question: "Why are us as a race, white people, so racist? Why have we systematically oppressed more racial groups than any other racial group has in the world? Why do we psychologically think we are superior? What can we do to stop our own racist thinking?"

I have googled these questions countless times, searching for an organization or program that examines white racism to form a anti-white racism movement from whites themselves. But the only things I have found are workshops that advertise some supreme 'anti-white privilege' agenda for the easy payment of $80.00-$1,000. This is ridiculous. As usual, the white mind must put a ridiculous price on knowledge that working from the frame of social empowerment and change should be knowledge that comes free of charge.

It is undeniable that white people have killed and enslaved more people than any other race and socially whenever the topic of race comes up we try to generalize or shift the blame or point out instances where other races have done discriminatory things. The problem is, we are not talking about other races. We are talking about whites and our history of systematic racism and how eager we are to dismiss the analyzation of our own discriminatory tendencies. But the reality is if the whites do not examine themselves, systematic racism cannot ever be eradicated because by simply ignoring the topic of racism we have become active participants in supporting that systematic white supremist racism that is built into the very fabric of our society.

The answer to the question of whether we are still enslaving today the answer is yes. The prison complex system we have incarcerates africans at a higher rate than whites, not because the whites do not possess marijuana as often as the african, but because our legal system is biased and imprisons on a race basis. Privatized prisons is now a form of legal slavery. And just because slavery was abolished does not mean that the effects of being enslaved do not resonate with africans today. Two hundred years of it being illegal to teach an african how to read and we wonder why the africans are economically struggling , and the whites convince themselves this has nothing to do with having stolen fifteen to thirty million young africans from africa, we stole a whole wealth of people and devastated their culture and have done nothing to give it back. Not only that but we have stolen egyptian knowledge and pretended the white roman and greek invented science and math.

I must clarify what I mean by calling all white people 'racist'. For most white people, being called racist gets the same emotional reaction as would calling a black person "nxgger" would illicit. it's the ultimate of ultimate offensive things to be called. So people, hold your rage and read the explanation of what is MEANT by the term racist. There are two types of racism, active and passive. Active racism is doing racist things like using ethnic slurs or thinking you are better than someone else due to race. Passive racism is not doing anything to combat racism, it is being passive and ignoring issues because by not working against racism you are supporting it. Silence gives consent. Most whites are practicing passive racism because they are NOT actively working against racism. This is what is meant by racism, and the blanket statement that all white people are racist. Unless you, as a white person, are going to all of the equal race events, going out there proposing and supporting race equality legislation, etc, you are being a passive racist. Agreeing with racism being bad but not doing anything about it because, "I'm not black" or "it's not my problem", that is passive racism.

The fact of the matter is, that there is no other race that has as much privilege as the white person and if we as whites do not discuss, separate from other racial groups and the discrimination they have done, our own white racism and passive and active racism there can never be progress. Whites are most responsible for the suppression of other racial groups through passive racism and we must analyze that. What is the cause of this? How can we work together to prevent this and change society? This is the discussion we must have and the discussion I want to foster and nurture in our communities.

The problem you are encountering is the term "white" its ever changing. 60 years ago Italians weren't considered "white" nor were the Irish. Now they are, and even the Eastern Europeans in Say Serbia and Albania now consider themselves white too. (at least here in the US) Traditionally "white" meant WASP. And they definitely did NOT hold down more people than say the Romans, Huns or Persians. But once they amended the white title to include Italians and Semites, well yeah, then whites tend to be the Slave masters of history... but don't think that those groups were lumped in accidentally. This entire line of questioning I find suspect at best. The truth is that ALL human beings are racist to a degree, its an evolutionary trait. Its easier to assume the rustling bushes is a tiger than it is the wind... the guy who assumes its the tiger and wrong no big deal, the guy who assumes its the wind and NOT a tiger gets killed. Eventually you have a whole lot of people descended with the mind set of jumping to conclusion on faulty assumptions. The very basis for racism. All human groups enslaved other human groups INCLUDING Blacks, Hispanics, and NATIVE AMERICANS. Yes the Noble savage myth is just that. A myth. All humans have been needlessly cruel to one and other in history. We Are animals after all.

Society doesnt really need change s far as this question is concerned. "white" people dont need to sit around and talk about how to be less racist. They are in a privileged position because they are the majority. Needless to say, NOT being in a majority doesn't automatically = racism against the minority. Which pisses me off... I hear a lot of these hyper-race sensitive types on college campuses complaining that they feel pressured because there are not enough black faces or Hispanic faces in the course for them to feel at home. Well... go to a blacker school. That's not racism.

I've been a minority before, in my own country. Of course on a macro level I was the slavemaster, didn't even matter that I attended a school where I was 1 of about a dozen white kids while the rest were predominantly Carribean-African or Puerto Rican. I can tell you one thing... that whole racist thing goes both ways.

I had a conversation with ym cousin one time about this, he puts it like this - His words

"Whenever a group of black guys are standing around and a white guy walks by they're gonna say to each other "look at this dumb ass honkey, what a dipshit" And Whenever a group of whiteguys are standing around and a black guy walks by they're going to say "look at this dumb nigger, what a dipshit".

The point is, people will be people. And that's whatever. But the guys who jump up and say "I HATE ALL NIGGERS WE SHOULD KILL THEM!" That's more than racism, that's personal problems. Its extreme mental instability.

If you want to combat some real racism, forget the US. Get your ass on a plane and get down to Northern Africa where all the Semite muslims are moving in and massacring the Africans that live there. Thats where this discussion needs to be happening.
Yes the israelis ARE targeting children

here's a clip of them bullying some kids on the way to school....clearly they think they're tough because they have a gun strapped to their side:


The zionist mindset is one where Israel must be a purely jewish state....purely jewish......have they got some sort of problem with non jews?

Clearly these soldiers are brutally murdering these kids, drinking their blood and dancing on their corpses.
Damnit muir, i replied to your ass theories again. Never again!

Look like i said to this is temporary: you don't need to feel ashamed if you aren't complicit

If you haven't been out beating up kids then don't sweat it. I am not damning all jews! I have some jewish anscestry myself ok so i'd be damning myself

I really don't care about what a persons ethnicity is i'm only interested in what they have to say

But what i've noticed about humanity is that not everyone feels the same way as me!

In fact some people seem to promote other people because they are the same 'race' or religion as them

I'm going to say something to you here man and i want you to read this not as a jew or as an israeli but as a human being and i want you to give me an objective answer

In the US (the UK as well) many of the positions of power are held by jews. The head of the federal reserve, the owners of the federal reserve, judges, media bosses, film makers, politicians, mayors, banking houses, banking dynasties etc etc

They hold power and wealth vastly disproportionate to their numbers. Jews represent a tiny portion of the US population yet they control its money supply


So I as an objective human being (with DNA from many races and no ideas of racial superiority or inferiority) look at that situation and i think:

''ok so there are two possiblities here:

1. jews are naturally more talented, able, gifted and smart than all the other peoples and that is why they have risen up into all the positions of influence in the states and elsewhere


2. jews are helping each other into positions of power and influence

So if a person believes it is because of option 1. then they are essentially rascist because they are saying that one set of people are superior to others

If a person thinks its option 2 then they then have to consider if it is a good idea when trying to construct a free democratic society to have one interest group dominating many areas of life

So Thisiswhoiam which do you think it is?
Unless you, as a white person, are going to all of the equal race events, going out there proposing and supporting race equality legislation, etc, you are being a passive racist. Agreeing with racism being bad but not doing anything about it because, "I'm not black" or "it's not my problem", that is passive racism.

I cannot with this logic right now.....

I support gay rights but I do not go to rallies. So that would make me a homophobe? I support legal immigration, as a Hispanic, but I'm racist because I do not attend rallies for reform of immigration laws?

As long as someone sustains the moral idea that racism is wrong, among all "colors", then I do not see how the correlation between believing the idea and not doing something about it (like attending the rally) means you are against it.

That's just lazy reasoning.

This whole thread is a sham.
"The fact of the matter is, that there is no other race that has as much privilege as the white person and if we as whites do not discuss, separate from other racial groups and the discrimination they have done, our own white racism and passive and active racism there can never be progress. "

The irony, it's hilarious! You do realize no one chooses to be part of a race? That's why racism is wrong. That is also why it's wrong to say "they" did anything. You want to talk about racism? Don't presume that anyone person is tainted by their ancestor's actions.
I actually think that there is a bit of merit to this thread.

Yes, the title of it is ironic, offensive, and simply untrue, but it seems to have been made for the sake of garnering attention. While I think that it could've been presented more tactfully, I don't think that calling white people racist is the underlying motive of the OP.

Consider these points:

On the bottom rungs of power, do not finance racist things. On the top rungs of power, white people and the institution of western powers need to stop fucking with Africa and black people. I think what I'm trying to get at is that white people need to constantly be looking at their actions and ask if it's racially motivated. Whites need to go out of their way to find behaviors that are racist and to correct their own thinking. They need to question, for example, why Santa Claus is white and why isn't being depicted as African or Japanese or any other racial identity. They need to be questioning why thanksgiving is being celebrated and maybe on the flip side support the National Day of Mourning instead of thanksgiving. I think there are racist beliefs and actions that white people in general just accept on a day to day basis that contribute to the overall problem. Not to mention how I've seen countless white people 'dismiss' racism as if it's a thing of the past just because there is no more slavery. Because white people have the power and privilege it's our duty more than anything to make sure we don't take advantage of that power and privilege and also to try to distribute it so we NO LONGER have the power and privilege that we took undeservedly so.

In my opinion, having power and privilege is kind of the issue here. White people, by having power and privilege, are supporting a racist society. Maybe they're not all doing it consciously, but the fact that white people accept having advantage over other races and tend to 'not think about it' maybe even 'not care about it' is the problem, it's what perpetuates racism, and I think that in effect makes them racist. So...white people aren't inherently racist because of the color of their skin, but because of the privilege the color of their skin attributes to them because of the power their race has accumulated. If Africans ran the world and systematically oppressed all other races, then Africans would be inherently racist, but that's not the situation here.

It is a fact that Western mythologies have essentially got the strongest influence on the entire world. As one example, people celebrate Christmas worldwide, and Santa Claus is almost always depicted as a white guy; Christmas is seen as this amazing western tradition everywhere. Can you say the same about any sorts of holidays from other cultures? What about Christianity? No matter where Christianity is practiced, Jesus is inevitably nearly always depicted as a white guy.

Yes it can be interpreted as a kind of extreme political correctness, but I think that these are valid things that people really should be aware of and questioning. Maybe it's not a result of all the individuals within the "European race" being more racist than others. But Western culture does have the strongest power and influence worldwide. I think it's a valid thing to say that people from Western culture, from European descent, should aim to be aware of, and be sensitive to, the effect that this sort of thing has on people from other places in the world.
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I love my privileges and will try to keep them.
I think the point of this thread is 'when someone is racist, they need to take responsibility for that instead of having their oppressor point it out to them, because that doesn't work.' Since white people rule the world, the most pressure is on the white people to own up to it.

But it's still a pretty crap thread, because it's not like every white person in the world is currently conspiring to oppress minorities and gain extra privileges. I really don't think that white people are going to start giving up their jobs because some other person of a different minority doesn't have one-- that's reverse discrimination, and it's completely unheard of in every single society across the world-- and forcing this forward through government is a sure way to increase racial tensions. Like it or not, Europeans built the west, and plenty of other nations have tighter immigration policies and aren't even half as accommodating. In fact, I would even say that the west is probably the LEAST exclusive society on the planet.

I've had this discussion numerous times about how white people are racist because of things they can't change and blah blah blah, but what the people who make this argument always seem to be clueless about is the fact that racism/openness is relative-- they seem to expect white people to change but don't realize that exclusion/racism is far far more pronounced in almost every other part of the world.

If you compare western society to some candy-coated dreamland where everyone is employed and smiling and equal and brothers and sisters everywhere are holding hands in joy, then yes, the west falls short. But compared to EVERY SINGLE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD, I would say that the west comes out on top by a very very large margin. In terms of being proactive on an institutional level, the US is probably the least racist country I've ever been to, and I've been to quite a few places. Seriously, before you go making idiotic, racist remarks about what white people are supposed to be doing, ask yourself if you actually have a vision/plan/solution for all of these problems, if there's some sort of precedent for the 'most open society ever' somewhere else in the world, or if you're just angry because things aren't perfect (even though you don't have the slightest clue what a perfect society would look like or how it would function). This shit takes time and the bottom line is that white society is probably the world's most proactive in terms of fighting racism and promoting diversity… the idea that any other culture in the world should be remaking their cultural touchstones to be more inclusive would be laughed off in 80% of the world. Why not have a Japanese Allah? Or a black Buddha? Don't you think his golden skin is racist?

And we're not living in a colonial world, we're living in a post-colonial one-- Africa isn't fucked up because European nations are currently interfering, it's fucked up because they USED TO be there and then after two world wars, they couldn't maintain their colonies, so they left it in shambles and now it's self destructing. There are a few opportunists who buy diamonds and do some war profiteering, but nothing is officially sanctioned. If you do just the tiniest bit of research into the subject, you'll find that this is true.



^Korean Santa Claus.

You'll also see pop stars and movie stars of different ethnicities. Just because most people in the west don't realize that these things exist, it doesn't mean that they have a responsibility to change their own institutions. And besides there is PLENTY of diversity on TV-- more than ever before.

There's nothing stopping anyone in the world from taking a cultural icon from the west and adapting it in their own country. Yes, the west has more money and markets itself better… but it's also more of a vehicle for promoting diversity than say, the also-wealthy east Asian cultural juggernauts-- which only have Asian features and are basically clones of each other:


How fascist.
Isn't young Slant merely encouraging us to examine our thoughts, feelings and actions?
Perhaps racism is endemic to all races. That is to say, that people may simply identify more easily with others of their race.

The fact that white racism has been more adverse on other races may have less to do with white people being more prone to racism than other races, than with the fact that in recent history white people have been relatively more affluent and have had more means of protecting/proffering their interests.

ie, white people may be equally as racist as any other race, but we have simply had more means to do something with it (in recent history).
Look like i said to this is temporary: you don't need to feel ashamed if you aren't complicit

If you haven't been out beating up kids then don't sweat it. I am not damning all jews! I have some jewish anscestry myself ok so i'd be damning myself

I really don't care about what a persons ethnicity is i'm only interested in what they have to say

But what i've noticed about humanity is that not everyone feels the same way as me!

In fact some people seem to promote other people because they are the same 'race' or religion as them

I'm going to say something to you here man and i want you to read this not as a jew or as an israeli but as a human being and i want you to give me an objective answer

In the US (the UK as well) many of the positions of power are held by jews. The head of the federal reserve, the owners of the federal reserve, judges, media bosses, film makers, politicians, mayors, banking houses, banking dynasties etc etc

They hold power and wealth vastly disproportionate to their numbers. Jews represent a tiny portion of the US population yet they control its money supply


So I as an objective human being (with DNA from many races and no ideas of racial superiority or inferiority) look at that situation and i think:

''ok so there are two possiblities here:

1. jews are naturally more talented, able, gifted and smart than all the other peoples and that is why they have risen up into all the positions of influence in the states and elsewhere


2. jews are helping each other into positions of power and influence

So if a person believes it is because of option 1. then they are essentially rascist because they are saying that one set of people are superior to others

If a person thinks its option 2 then they then have to consider if it is a good idea when trying to construct a free democratic society to have one interest group dominating many areas of life

So Thisiswhoiam which do you think it is?

Finally you are speaking with reason. I have read this and i have wondered about this myself many times. After doing some research, it became apparent to me that in the past few centuries, jews were not allowed to have regular jobs throughout europe, because of discrimination against them. They were only allowed to commerce with jewels, including the diamonds market, and they were allowed to deal with banking. What this led to is, that jews understood that in order to have food on their tables and survive these harsh times of europe together with the hard racism against them, they would have to be either the most successful diamond / jewel traders they can be, or the best bankers. In those times, most people didn't even know how to read and write. Jews taught their children how to do complex mathematics in order for them to survive, since they couldn't work almost anywhere. The others who chose the path of commerce, became unbelievably rich in diamond trading. Again, they were very well educated as well, as this was their 'weapon' of survival. Their only strength which was not denied by europeans of those times.

This in turn, together with world war II and the nearly extermination of the jewish people, led to jews striving even farther to maintain and have more power, in order to support their kin, again, for survival. Important to note: I do not see jews as any more holy than any other people. Some are corrupt just as bad as a christian or muslim corporate scumbag.

So that's my take on it. Jews are more educated and might be genetically in average smarter, though i don't believe so. The power of necessity is great, and jews have been having a hell of a ride in the past 2000 years for survival. Some are crap, some are awesome people and most are just the average joe(or shlomo for that matter:).

I'm sure there are powerful filthy rich jews who want to control the world.
I'm sure there are powerful filthy rich muslims who want to control the world.
I'm sure there are powerful filthy rich christians who want to control the world.

Same goes to all religions.

Because we are all the same.


Some are awesome, some are crap, most are just trying to get by :-)

Finally you are speaking with reason. I have read this and i have wondered about this myself many times. After doing some research, it became apparent to me that in the past few centuries, jews were not allowed to have regular jobs throughout europe, because of discrimination against them. They were only allowed to commerce with jewels, including the diamonds market, and they were allowed to deal with banking.

No it was more because christians and muslims were not allowed to engage in usury. Jewish people were not forbidden by their religion to do that so every European king had a community of jewish people to engage in money lending

There are inherent problems with usury but that's another issue

What this led to is, that jews understood that in order to have food on their tables and survive these harsh times of europe together with the hard racism against them, they would have to be either the most successful diamond / jewel traders they can be, or the best bankers. In those times, most people didn't even know how to read and write. Jews taught their children how to do complex mathematics in order for them to survive, since they couldn't work almost anywhere. The others who chose the path of commerce, became unbelievably rich in diamond trading. Again, they were very well educated as well, as this was their 'weapon' of survival. Their only strength which was not denied by europeans of those times.

This in turn, together with world war II and the nearly extermination of the jewish people,

Jewish people weren't nearly exterminated, they were spread all over the world before it began. Many were killed but many people from many countries were killed. Far more slavs than jews were killed but the slavs do not shout 'holocaust' whilst oppresing other people themselves.

Many slavs were killed before WW2 as well as a result of jewish activities. Jewish marxists, funded by jewish bankers were intriguing in Europe and the US and it was them that brought about the revolution in Russia that saw many millions killed

Education and wealth was not the jews only weapon. They also used freemasonry to recruit influential members of society in different countries

Here's a documentary by Juri Lina that covers their involvement in the Russian revolution (it contains graphic images):


Jewish refugees were also welcomed into Germany where they thrived but they made a deal with the British behind Germanys back called the Balfour Declaration: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_declaration

The deal was for powerful media owning zionist bankers in the US to bring the US into WW1 on the side of Britain if Britain would hand over Palestine to the zionists. The Rothschild banking dynasty were at the forefront of this deal.

After the war Germany felt humiliated and had to pay massive reparations. At the treaty of sevre they found out that the jewish communities within Germany had essentially stabbed them in the back. One of the people who learned about this was Adolf Hitler who had been severly injured by gas fighting in the trenches.

So this image of the poor little me jew is not correct. Jews have held massive power in Europe for a long time and have often funded both sides in wars, helping to play different countries off against each other. They have been intriguing and have been behind all sorts of events which have seen the loss of many gentile lives

led to jews striving even farther to maintain and have more power, in order to support their kin, again, for survival. Important to note: I do not see jews as any more holy than any other people. Some are corrupt just as bad as a christian or muslim corporate scumbag.

So that's my take on it. Jews are more educated and might be genetically in average smarter, though i don't believe so.

If someone were to say that jews are genetically smarter that would essentially be rascism.

My belief is that the reason they are in positions of power is because they promote other jews over other peoples. They have formed a powerful network of businesses and other organisations and they profit off the financial misery of non jews. Further to that they use non jews to fight proxy wars for them by missleading the public with the media they control

The power of necessity is great, and jews have been having a hell of a ride in the past 2000 years for survival. Some are crap, some are awesome people and most are just the average joe(or shlomo for that matter:).

Its not just jews that have had a rough ride. Pretty much everyone has had a rough ride, its just the jews shout the loudest because they own and control most of the media

I'm sure there are powerful filthy rich jews who want to control the world.
I'm sure there are powerful filthy rich muslims who want to control the world.
I'm sure there are powerful filthy rich christians who want to control the world.

Same goes to all religions.

Because we are all the same.


Some are awesome, some are crap, most are just trying to get by :-)


I'll take each person as they come regardless of their race or religion

But i also recognise that there is essentially a jewish mafia running the banking system and they are sucking the economic lifeblood out of Europe and the US

I also recognise that their lobby groups control US politics and continually suck the US military (and other countries) into conflicts that are not in those peoples interests to be involved in

People are getting angry and they are going to get angrier

Its looking at the moment as if the power elites see the solution to that to be to create even tighter controls over the public....but that is only going to make people angrier

It time for people to take a more honest appraisal of the situation and its time for these banksters (banking gangsters) to stop parasiting off people.