You're talking about white countries being more proactive in combating rascism but there is a reason for that
There was a group of jewish thinkers in Germany called the 'Frankfurt School'. When the nazis took power they fled to the USA where they got jobs in the US universities. They received support from the jewish network who helped advance their ideas for example from the bankers; combined with this was the work of jewish psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud whose work was used by his jewish nephew Edward Bernays to create the Public Relations industry. Bernays is considered the 'father of PR'
He represented the corporations to help sell their products such as cigarettes by using Freudian psychology in order to emotionally manipulate peoples behaviours by appealing to their unconscious fears. He was responsible for making it socially fact cool...for women to smoke cigarettes for exmaple by paying marleine deitrich to smoke cigarettes in hollywood films in a seductive way
So all these ideas were used by the jewish network in media (eg newspapers and Hollywood), in psychiatry, in secret societies such as the masonic Bnai Brith order and the jewish banker funded universities and schools
These ideas were all related to how to structure a society. The ideas were all to do with creating a centrally controlled society. So for example the jewish revolutionary Trotsky who was using the teachings of the jewish philosopher Karl marx came to the US and was funded and aided by Bnai Brith and the jewish bankers who soon after came to own and control the 'federal' reserve bank
The US became a sort of giant laboratory for Freudian and marxist ideas. The ultimate aim was to create a centrally controlled society/economy that spanned across the world (world state socialism). One of the ideas that came out of these groups (particualrly the Frankfurt school) was to mix the peoples of the world together or as they called it 'multi culturalism'
Another device for control that came from the Frankfurt school was the use of psychaitry as a method of social control. A psychiatirc categorisation system has been created (DSM) that is so broad that it can classify anyone as having a disorder and therefore in need of being controlled by the state. The frankfurt school often accused its opponents of having various 'disorders' to discredit them
How prevalent their influence is in our society can be seen right here on this forum where posters can be seen throwing accusations against each other of being 'crazy' or of suffering from a wide range of disorders including everyhting from 'personality disorders, narcisistic personality disorders, pschisophrenia etc'
Despite this extensive categorsiation scheme it seems that more and more of the US pulbic are deemed psychiatrically disfunctional and prescribed drugs to control their emotions. There is no admission from the corporations who shape our society that the system might be flawed and making people unhappy there is only massed druggings of the population....but the corporations also make the drugs so its win win for them
The creation of a new society requires a break down of the fabric of the old. this means all the institutions of society needed to be attacked for example religion, marriage, the nuclear family (state socialists want children to be raised by the state; see for example the work of the fabian socialists) and cultural unity (which must be destroyed)
No one must be allowed to have a distinct and proud culture as that defines them and will prevent them from absorption into the homogenous mass of state socialism
Please note how multiculturalism is enforced by the law and by the media and education systems of western countries but the same rules do not apply in jewish Israel where non jews are persecuted and driven out. The zionists believe that only the jews should be kept racially pure and culturally distinct
Its kind of ironic isn't it becuase the school curriculem in the west created by the zionist dominated governments teach everyone that it is the nazis who believe in racial purity and that they are the bad men
Well yeah the nazis were bad...they did believe in racial purity...they were rascist and there is no excuse for their crimes...but when you take into account the fact that they were reacting against what they saw as a jewish attempt to control the world it suddenly all makes a bit more sense
So there were rascists on both sides. the nazis were racists and the zionists were racists
Hitler used to say that the UK was run by freemasons....he was right about that. Here is the Duke of Kent a member of the Royal family who is the head of English freemasonry:

Freemasonry has jewish roots and in its higher degrees it's all about kabbalah. Some will say it is a religious order, others will say it is up to the individuals interpretation of what the 'great architect' is but in actuality freemasonry is a magickal order. It works with the same mysteries priests have been ruling societies with since 'ancient' egypt and before
The UK itself has been in debt to the Rothschild banking dynasty since it borrowed money to defeat Napoleon. The borrower is subserviant to the lender
The British freemasonic elite were also incredibly rascist people. They built a global empire based on their perception of their superiority over other peoples. Many, like the nazis, were eugeniscists
An example would be the freemason Cecil Rhodes who created the De Beers diamond company with funding from the Rothschilds. He weilded huge power in Africa and the country of Rhodesia (now renamed Zimbabwe as an anti colonial measure) which was named after him. He was behind the Jameson raid that helped spark the Boer war, in which the British invented the concentration camp in which they rounded up all the women and children of the afrikanse farmers in order to force them to submit)
Rhodes said the following in his last will and testament:
"I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence, look again at the extra employment a new country added to our dominions gives."
Rhodes also left a large part of his fortune to set up a network called the 'round table group' to help increase the power of the British empire. From the round table groups sprung Chatham house in the UK and the Council on Foreign Relations in the USA
The aim of the CFR and its sister organisation Chatham house is to create a centrally controlled global government
So there have been elites who are racists running global affairs for a while now
The billionaire and CFR member, Bill Gates is using much of his fortune to vaccinate children across Africa. But Gates says in all his talks that he wants to reduce global population. So how does vaccinating people which is supposed to boost population numbers help reduce pop numbers? The answer is that the 'vaccines' are actually toxic and are designed to damage the sexual and overall health of the people; there have already been many deaths as a result of adverse reactions form the vaccines...sadly that is only going to be the beginning of the damage he is causing
Gates father was the head of a eugencist group called 'Planned Parenthood' who focussed most of their attention on encouraging black women to abort their children
Racism is not dead. Racism is alive and well and is much closer to home than some would like to admit
You're talking about white countries being more proactive in combating rascism but there is a reason for that
There was a group of jewish thinkers in Germany called the 'Frankfurt School'. When the nazis took power they fled to the USA where they got jobs in the US universities. They received support from the jewish network who helped advance their ideas for example from the bankers; combined with this was the work of jewish psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud whose work was used by his jewish nephew Edward Bernays to create the Public Relations industry. Bernays is considered the 'father of PR'
He represented the corporations to help sell their products such as cigarettes by using Freudian psychology in order to emotionally manipulate peoples behaviours by appealing to their unconscious fears. He was responsible for making it socially fact cool...for women to smoke cigarettes for exmaple by paying marleine deitrich to smoke cigarettes in hollywood films in a seductive way
So all these ideas were used by the jewish network in media (eg newspapers and Hollywood), in psychiatry, in secret societies such as the masonic Bnai Brith order and the jewish banker funded universities and schools
These ideas were all related to how to structure a society. The ideas were all to do with creating a centrally controlled society. So for example the jewish revolutionary Trotsky who was using the teachings of the jewish philosopher Karl marx came to the US and was funded and aided by Bnai Brith and the jewish bankers who soon after came to own and control the 'federal' reserve bank
The US became a sort of giant laboratory for Freudian and marxist ideas. The ultimate aim was to create a centrally controlled society/economy that spanned across the world (world state socialism). One of the ideas that came out of these groups (particualrly the Frankfurt school) was to mix the peoples of the world together or as they called it 'multi culturalism'
Another device for control that came from the Frankfurt school was the use of psychaitry as a method of social control. A psychiatirc categorisation system has been created (DSM) that is so broad that it can classify anyone as having a disorder and therefore in need of being controlled by the state. The frankfurt school often accused its opponents of having various 'disorders' to discredit them
How prevalent their influence is in our society can be seen right here on this forum where posters can be seen throwing accusations against each other of being 'crazy' or of suffering from a wide range of disorders including everyhting from 'personality disorders, narcisistic personality disorders, pschisophrenia etc'
Despite this extensive categorsiation scheme it seems that more and more of the US pulbic are deemed psychiatrically disfunctional and prescribed drugs to control their emotions. There is no admission from the corporations who shape our society that the system might be flawed and making people unhappy there is only massed druggings of the population....but the corporations also make the drugs so its win win for them
The creation of a new society requires a break down of the fabric of the old. this means all the institutions of society needed to be attacked for example religion, marriage, the nuclear family (state socialists want children to be raised by the state; see for example the work of the fabian socialists) and cultural unity (which must be destroyed)
No one must be allowed to have a distinct and proud culture as that defines them and will prevent them from absorption into the homogenous mass of state socialism
Please note how multiculturalism is enforced by the law and by the media and education systems of western countries but the same rules do not apply in jewish Israel where non jews are persecuted and driven out. The zionists believe that only the jews should be kept racially pure and culturally distinct
Its kind of ironic isn't it becuase the school curriculem in the west created by the zionist dominated governments teach everyone that it is the nazis who believe in racial purity and that they are the bad men
Well yeah the nazis were bad...they did believe in racial purity...they were rascist and there is no excuse for their crimes...but when you take into account the fact that they were reacting against what they saw as a jewish attempt to control the world it suddenly all makes a bit more sense
So there were rascists on both sides. the nazis were racists and the zionists were racists
Hitler used to say that the UK was run by freemasons....he was right about that. Here is the Duke of Kent a member of the Royal family who is the head of English freemasonry:

Freemasonry has jewish roots and in its higher degrees it's all about kabbalah. Some will say it is a religious order, others will say it is up to the individuals interpretation of what the 'great architect' is but in actuality freemasonry is a magickal order. It works with the same mysteries priests have been ruling societies with since 'ancient' egypt and before
The UK itself has been in debt to the Rothschild banking dynasty since it borrowed money to defeat Napoleon. The borrower is subserviant to the lender
The British freemasonic elite were also incredibly rascist people. They built a global empire based on their perception of their superiority over other peoples. Many, like the nazis, were eugeniscists
An example would be the freemason Cecil Rhodes who created the De Beers diamond company with funding from the Rothschilds. He weilded huge power in Africa and the country of Rhodesia (now renamed Zimbabwe as an anti colonial measure) which was named after him. He was behind the Jameson raid that helped spark the Boer war, in which the British invented the concentration camp in which they rounded up all the women and children of the afrikanse farmers in order to force them to submit)
Rhodes said the following in his last will and testament:
"I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence, look again at the extra employment a new country added to our dominions gives."
Rhodes also left a large part of his fortune to set up a network called the 'round table group' to help increase the power of the British empire. From the round table groups sprung Chatham house in the UK and the Council on Foreign Relations in the USA
The aim of the CFR and its sister organisation Chatham house is to create a centrally controlled global government
So there have been elites who are racists running global affairs for a while now
The billionaire and CFR member, Bill Gates is using much of his fortune to vaccinate children across Africa. But Gates says in all his talks that he wants to reduce global population. So how does vaccinating people which is supposed to boost population numbers help reduce pop numbers? The answer is that the 'vaccines' are actually toxic and are designed to damage the sexual and overall health of the people; there have already been many deaths as a result of adverse reactions form the vaccines...sadly that is only going to be the beginning of the damage he is causing
Gates father was the head of a eugencist group called 'Planned Parenthood' who focussed most of their attention on encouraging black women to abort their children
Racism is not dead. Racism is alive and well and is much closer to home than some would like to admit
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