Eventually, my male friends become seriously involved with a woman. The woman always says that she is okay with our friendship. I deliberately conduct these friendships openly to avoid rumours but they are always there. Eventually, they marry and the edict is delivered by the wife - the friendship must end. Now, I fully expect the friendship will change but, end? Really? I cannot see the logic behind it? Not to mention the cruelty? I can't imagine demanding that someone should discard a friend? I miss my friends so much.
This exact situation has happened to me several times now. In fact, the only way I
don't lose my male friends when they marry is if I find a way to have a relationship with the wife to the point where she and I are friends AS WELL AS him and I...
I feel your pain AlienSpectator. I had one relationship in particular where both he and she insisted we could be "friends", but then he would purposefully be mean to me in front of her to keep her from being jealous and she would only talk to me when she wanted information about him. That "friendship" ended up not lasting long. It is SO hard losing friends, especially when it is unexpected.
My few thoughts on this issue are these:
1) There is no way to know, no matter how platonic the relationship, that he NEVER felt anything more than friendship for you (learned that one the hard way :sad

2) Some women can't handle anything they
perceive as competition, despite whether you are competition or not.
3) The divorce rate is high. Women are going to do what they can to protect their marriage, and for some, that includes cutting out what they feel are unnecessary risks.
It sucks. But like you said, life goes on... And I pray that God will bring you friends to fill the holes left behind by the ones who you have lost...