Ask me anything, and I'll be sure to give you valuable help. You can trust me on this.

I don't have any bitterness towards her... Even though I am sad... I truly want her to be happy, and if it means to staying away for a while I am fine with that.... Gotta give myself a bit time.
Mind her reaction if she's still comfortable with this. If she isn't, it might be necessary to give it a good break for a while. Also ask yourself if you're okay with this too, for real. I do have to say, I respect the sportsmanship but there are guys who say they're okay but later give off an energy of bitterness, or just does a complete cartwheel and goes back to square one with the pursuit. That could get burdensome on the girl and it might not be a very nice experience. Be sure to be in okay place yourself, too.
Yeah, so - whatever you want: be it practical advice for acute relationship situations, or generally valuable and psychobiologically-based information that could help optimize your life, I'm your man.
What are your credentials ???
Experience? Textbook? Dissertation? Just looking to practice your practice?
On a more interesting note: I made some matcha chocolate, and DAMN IS IT AWESOME. Totally recommended. My new favorite alongside ruby chocolate. I used the highest-quality matcha I could find.
What's ruby chocolate? Sounds exotic.
"Just like white and milk chocolates, ruby chocolate is made by grinding cacao derivatives (chocolate liquor, cocoa butter) with sugar and milk powder, though with a few additional ingredients, in this case: citric acid, soy lecithin, and “natural flavor.” The pink color is said to come from the under-fermented cacao beans that Callebaut [chocolate manufacturer] treats with their own process."
Does anyone watch Frank James videos on YouTube? Is is accurate what he says ?
Everything is relative, but in general I'd say that his perceptions are mostly accurate at least from my point of view. I relate to him. On a lot of things.
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Everything is relative, but in general I'd say that his perceptions are mostly accurate at least from my point of view. I relate to him. On a lot of things.
I see, I watched few videos of him to get better understanding of INFJs, one of them explained why INFJs ruin relationships or have a hard time in moving on.

Have you considered volunteering? Usually you get plenty of training for the role. This might be an option for you - if you genuinely want to help others.
I don't think there's any need to know anything to talk about it. Others shall correct you, if they know you wrong. Of course, I do know something though.

No I meant more like, what motivates you?
Appreciating discussion isn't bad. I'm always curious what drives people, it helps me understand them better.

No I meant more like, what motivates you?
Appreciating discussion isn't bad. I'm always curious what drives people, it helps me understand them better.
Oh, I see. I'm not used to people asking about motivation, so I hope you understand my assumption.

In the moment I started this thread, I was motivated by desire to apply logical thought. I also felt pretty narcissistic, which can be seen in the grandiose articulation. In general, I more enjoy thinking than feeling, and if I had to choose between a romantic relationship and an interesting, difficult problem to solve through logic, I'd go with the problem.