Closing a Thread: Warning! Graphic picture

You don't see but what you want to see: look again.
[MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION]

Well? Don't blame me for ignorance if you're not going to educate. Tell me what I'm supposed to see in those pictures.
I don't see it. Please instruct me, master!

Stick your tongue back in, remove the skull earring and that around your neck, and change your hair style.


I never blamed you for ignorance, my dear.
The first two pics show men and women getting married. The last two show what he is talking about: influence on a child.
If they were born that way, why influence a child?
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I can respect that, but I wonder how true it is. I wonder if something very important to you, an integral part of your being was condemned as wrong, would you be so understanding. Would you really try to see it from the other person's perspective. I have my doubts, but it's not something I'll ever know.
Actually this occurs to christians on a regular basis on this forum. It is something I had occur to me often when I was a christian. Being a christian is an integral part of a person that affects their whole life.

That's a very condescending attitude. That the only reason people are getting worked up here is because we don't handle criticism well.

I never wrote that it was the only reason. It is not wrong and a person is not lesser when they have a softer heart.

Most people here have seen this sort of attitude before. And you generally try to accept it as a price for interacting with people, but that isn't always easy. The fact is, even being thick skinned doesn't make you invulnerable, it doesn't mean your resistance to this kind of bullshit isn't worn down every time you see it. And sometimes it gets to a point where you can't help but react emotionally

I can understand that. But if that is the issue then I generally back off and regain my composure before re-initiating discussion. I would not condone my reactiviness.

No I meant empathy. To try and see how Amad's words feel from the eyes of those he condemns. You seem to be having trouble in understanding people's reaction so perhaps trying to see it from a different perspective might help you out with that.

I understand people's reaction and it is different for different people on different levels. I don't feel a reaction is a productive approach. I do not see it as beneficial long term for those who suffer at a Amad's condemnation.

Your reaction to a feeling of righteous anger that makes you feel right, fear at the pain and damage he is causing, resentment at the destruction caused by those before him and like him, hopeless frustration and the endlessness of it all.

To accept my views and not place yourself aggressively in opposition to amad gives a feeling of 'compromising your greater values' and this is not something you can do. In a sense you feel that is what I do when I interact with Amad in a less aggressive manner than you would. And as is stated here you feel I am un-empathetic to victims and therefore I must be suffering from emotional ignorance or sever bias.
-I don't know if I captured the feeling well enough and much is lost when put into words but I hope that I am understanding you well.

That's a personal viewpoint. One I disagree with. I believe that if you refuse to show respect then it should not be shown in return. Maybe it makes you feel better to show respect to everyone no matter how they treat you, but it doesn't work that way for me.

That is fine. People tend to react better and it makes life easier. Aggressive opposition has never shown to benefit me

So if I randomly walked up to you and called your mother a whore you would ask me what's wrong? Wow, you must be the second coming of Jesus.

It is fine if you don't believe me. Choosing to be ignorant of your situation before I come to judgment would put me in more uncomfortable situation than you would be putting me in. I would judge myself as being unwise, inconsiderate, and ignorant. My own personal judgements are going to be a lot harder to deal with than some meaningless and arbitrary insult you come up with because only the truth is valid right and true and can strike me in the heart.
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The information in these info-graphics is totally false, for example the percentage of homosexuals can not exceed 1% of population, read this:


This is not a scientific paper or information…your own link you provide is a Conservative Christian Anti-Evolution webpage with clear biases.
Try again.
This is not a scientific paper or information…your own link you provide is a Conservative Christian Anti-Evolution webpage with clear biases.
Try again.

And why does that need to be on a billboard if they're not trying to influence the public against gays?

Especially since hiring billboards costs money so it's like paying for the ability to be louder than the opposition. I find that to be dishonorable.
It starts a cycle. The absence of a father or mother figures while having parents who have negative views against the opposite gender will definitely have an impact on their children, that's not to mention the high probability of child abuse and molestation.
Once again the link you provide from AFA is biased and clearly a Christian website….and here is why I have a problem with that Amad.
People have the right in the country to believe or not believe whatever religion they wish…it is one of our guaranteed rights as a US Citizen.
So you have every right to believe what you wish, even as unpopular and outdated as it is, you can still continue to believe and worship how you see fit - just so long as you don’t impose that upon anyone else unwillingly.
Which is what you are trying to do.
By denying rights that every other tax-paying citizen has, IS imposing your religious morality on them.
How would you like to live under Sharia Law?
And why does that need to be on a billboard if they're not trying to influence the public against gays?

Especially since hiring billboards costs money so it's like paying for the ability to be louder than the opposition. I find that to be dishonorable.

The anti-gay movement, which is basically the same group that got upset about the Confederate flag bullshit…is the antithesis of what Jesus taught.
Which was to turn the other cheek, to love your enemies, to treat others how you would wish to be treated.
Jesus wouldn’t shun anyone who was gay…nor would he try to change them IMO.




This is the one that nails it the most. It's not even possible to deny that this is true.

So far I haven’t had any Elder Gays knock on my door…try and give me AIDS via the secret poker ring they all carry (according to the 700 Club), then ask if I have ever considered sucking dick before?
My guess it they would get invited in to people’s homes more than the religious door knockers.
So far I haven’t had any Elder Gays knock on my door…try and give me AIDS via the secret poker ring they all carry (according to the 700 Club), then ask if I have ever considered sucking dick before?
My guess it they would get invited in to people’s homes more than the religious door knockers.

Ugh the 700 Club. My mother would watch that shit religiously. Pun intended I guess.

Scarred me for life.