Corona / Wuhan virus

View attachment 65499

I love being an American.


Not sure how the American government expects a one-time payment of $1200 will help millions of families pay the bills and utilities throughout the duration of this pandemic.

It is a band aid solution and one of the last gasps of the bread and circuses system that we've been living under for the past several decades. We're in the end of life phase for capitalism right now but the fat lady doesn't sing until the banks fail resulting in full nationalization after the demonetization of existing currencies mainly the dollar and the euro. Socialism dies later (years from now) and that is when the shelves go empty, services fail, and the world begins to go dark.
I'm gonna try to start some shit about not paying rent for three months.
Because fuck you America
I'm ready to overthrow the gov't... because fuck you politicians, lobbyists, and every other general wanker that helps shape shift this shit hole. But, you know there's that whole pneumonia of death going around...and also all that energy n shit it would require... Maybe I'm more suited for bitching. FML. :poutingcat:
How about no credit card payments for three months? No house payments? Put all credit on hold three to six months? I was let go with the promise of two weeks pay. The banks have the money, so ask from them.

One of my credit cards asked double this month minimum what they usually ask. How heartless.

Think I'll be talking to the banks tomorrow, if they are taking calls for this sort of thing. They are nothing without everyone else.
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View attachment 65499

I love being an American.


Not sure how the American government expects a one-time payment of $1200 will help millions of families pay the bills and utilities throughout the duration of this pandemic.

My rent alone is more than that.
I'm gonna try to start some shit about not paying rent for three months.
Because fuck you America.

I don't get anything because I'm a dirty immigrant without a job! And I can't get a job because government.
It is a band aid solution and one of the last gasps of the bread and circuses system that we've been living under for the past several decades. We're in the end of life phase for capitalism right now but the fat lady doesn't sing until the banks fail resulting in full nationalization after the demonetization of existing currencies mainly the dollar and the euro. Socialism dies later (years from now) and that is when the shelves go empty, services fail, and the world begins to go dark.

I'm ready to overthrow the gov't... because fuck you politicians, lobbyists, and every other general wanker that helps shape shift this shit hole. But, you know there's that whole pneumonia of death going around...and also all that energy n shit it would require... Maybe I'm more suited for bitching. FML. :poutingcat:

And thus we decend into the era of the military dictatorship.

Because when it hits the fan and world government collapse, its the dudes with the biggest guns who get all the food.

North Korea! North Korea for everyone!
What in the actual fuck, Brazil?

TL;DR: President Bolsanaro will be fine because of his 'athletic history', and the country won't take any measures against Coronavirus because it's a media hoax.

The price of populism.

Most translate was correct, except that he never mentioned the brazilian word for 'lockdown', he mentioned something that is translated somewhat as "scorched earth tactics", "ruined land" which is a famous tatic war that russians used in some war where they put fire to the rural areas to stop their enemies advance due to the lack of food (it became a brazillian local expression, not his knowledge of history - and I was teached that but forgot it, it was more than 10 years ago). He refered to the lock down and state governors atitudes with that word, and then the guardian translated it as lockdown.

That news is from some days ago, he is still in his campaign.

Brazil is far from full lockdown, but some people are doing quarantine themselves and in some states there is already quarantine (I am glad I am in one of these states), while the president keeps fighting against the quarantine. The country is taking some measures, but his followers are nulling as much measures as they can. For the market. For the moment, although, most states on the worst situation are taking measures.
This is freaking whack! I'm glad you're ok. Care to go into more detail about the SARS!? What did it do to your mind and heart, thoughts and whatnot!? Ok you don't have to answer. I realize it's a negative personal experience. I'm just curious, my guy.

I didn't see this response originally nor did I get a notification, sorry about that.
Anyway, it was a long time ago now so my memory of it is somewhat faded.
I remember getting a little cough and not feeling all that sick really, but I did get wheezy which I chalked up to my asthma cuz I always had asthma problems when I was younger.
So I was feeling ok for a day or two and just like maybe irritated by allergies or a cold, whatever.
Then I noticed my cough getting worse and it was really more of like a rough dry cough. And like the next day I was having a lot of trouble breathing.
But again, I was sorta used to that feeling cuz of asthma so I started using my inhaler which helped a bit.
I don't know if it was like later that day or the following day, but my mom noticed my fingernails were blue and I told her I did feel pretty light headed actually.
So I went to the hospital and they put an oximeter on me and my O2 level was like 85% or something which is pretty fucking critical.
They did chest xrays and said I had some pneumonia but that's all they could determine. They said it wasn't the flu so they quarantined me.
I wasn't getting any better with the oxygen so they were basically threatening to intubate me and I was like aw hell naw, so I started moving a lot and breathing like a mofo as best I could to pass the breathing tests haha.
Finally after a lot of super powered mucinex and a cocktail of intense drugs for asthma and antibiotics I started to improve.
I think I was in the hospital for like a week, it's a haze really. It sucked tho haha.
When were you in a hospital?
Search Results
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World War I: Summary, Causes & Facts - HISTORY › topics › world-war-i › world-war-i-history

World War I began in 1914 after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and lasted until 1918. During the conflict, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (the Central Powers) fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States (the Allied Powers).
about 40 million, plus wounded

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I is estimated to be about 40 million: estimates range from 20.5 to 22 million deaths and about 20 to 22 million wounded military personnel, ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history.

World War I casualties - Wikipedia

100 years ago or so, earth lost a third of its population. Good time to study the measures that were taken during and after that nightmare.

Good time to study this, also.

The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the United States. The timing of the Great Depression varied across the world; in most countries, it started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s.
Great Depression - Wikipedia

MAR 13, 2020
Despite Hard Times, People Lived Longer During the Great Depression



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Search Results
Web results

World War I: Summary, Causes & Facts - HISTORY › topics › world-war-i › world-war-i-history

World War I began in 1914 after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and lasted until 1918. During the conflict, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (the Central Powers) fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States (the Allied Powers).
about 40 million, plus wounded

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I is estimated to be about 40 million: estimates range from 20.5 to 22 million deaths and about 20 to 22 million wounded military personnel, ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history.

World War I casualties - Wikipedia

100 years ago or so, earth lost a third of its population. Good time to study the measures that were taken during and after that nightmare.

Good time to study this, also.

The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the United States. The timing of the Great Depression varied across the world; in most countries, it started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s.
Great Depression - Wikipedia

MAR 13, 2020
Despite Hard Times, People Lived Longer During the Great Depression

Bear in mind 3 things.

1) The population was smaller back in those days so numbers meant more.
2) Medical science wasn't so advanced and widespread. Today we have much better tools and medical knowledge which will keep numbers significantly down.
3) The US government learned from the Great Depression. President Hoover refused to support people during the recession for years which caused the spike in unemployment to 25%. This time the government has put support within weeks so recovery should be easier.
When were you in a hospital?

This was back in like 2003.
Also I forgot to mention that the nurses all wore masks around me and were super cautious cuz they really didn't know what I had.
I got better and they just let me go and said I must have picked up a flu strain they couldn't detect or some such thing, they really didn't know haha.
Apparently an early symptom is loss of smell and/or taste.
Just FYI.
Stay healthy all!
More outbreaks in Africa.

Its going to be terrible in the West but hell, Africa is going to be devastated.

Poverty, low technological and medical facilities, high levels of disbelieif in science and favouring 'traditional' healing methods, authoritarian governments who don't provided aid to their people.

That's a reciepe for disaster and mass graves.

Some governments are as likely to shoot their people as provide medicine in some places. Also could in some cases be used as an excuse for genocide...

Don't forget to pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster!
FSM will destroy the virus!
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She's going to the ER now. I have been on her ass and then went on Facebook and got one of her other close friends to call and check on her because I'm overbearing and figured we could tag team it. But she called the ER and told them she was having trouble breathing and she's going in.
Good! At the very least they will be able to give her a nebulizer treatment and while it is the same drug as the inhaler, works so much better.
Breathing is not to be messed with.
In other news, that flu is still out there taking lives. estimated that this season saw over 24,000 deaths in the US alone from it. My DIL (the MD) just went through it and swore it was COVID until the test came back as negative.

Then there's this dark horse coming up fast from the back.

More outbreaks in Africa.

Its going to be terrible in the West but hell, Africa is going to be devastated.

Poverty, low technological and medical facilities, high levels of disbelieif in science and favouring 'traditional' healing methods, authoritarian governments who don't provided aid to their people.

That's a reciepe for disaster and mass graves.

Some governments are as likely to shoot their people as provide medicine in some places. Also could in some cases be used as an excuse for genocide...

I'm not saying you're wrong, but you need to get some fresh air. The amount of negativity coming from you these days is overwhelming.
This was back in like 2003.
Also I forgot to mention that the nurses all wore masks around me and were super cautious cuz they really didn't know what I had.
I got better and they just let me go and said I must have picked up a flu strain they couldn't detect or some such thing, they really didn't know haha.

Try to imagine that happening to you now, and their reactions.