Corona / Wuhan virus

to me hoomans just seem to patch up the shit they fuck up in the first place

in that instance their egoism might have been good for counter weight.. no telling how big that hole is. why all perish sooner? also the only baldie seems to be seated at the top.. maybe it's just youngins at the bottom. their turn

or are you saying old folks is letting us down?

I'm saying shit's more complicated than it seems, generally
Sorry for what!? I love this! I'm waiting for this to happen here! I even told my boss that what we are working for had no value. Of course they believe it. Very few do. Yesterday, I learned I am alone in this fight with my company as everyone else is working overtime. Also, I now have 2 more co-workers that are sick. One came up behind me, gave me a bear hug and coughed in my ear... Ah jokes. Funny times we live in!
Sorry for what!? I love this! I'm waiting for this to happen here! I even told my boss that what we are working for had no value. Of course they believe it. Very few do. Yesterday, I learned I am alone in this fight with my company as everyone else is working overtime. Also, I now have 2 more co-workers that are sick. One came up behind me, gave me a bear hug and coughed in my ear... Ah jokes. Funny times we live in!
Don't get sick :(
What in the actual fuck, Brazil?

TL;DR: President Bolsanaro will be fine because of his 'athletic history', and the country won't take any measures against Coronavirus because it's a media hoax.

The price of populism.
My friend is sick and she had a teledoc appt. yesterday. Her doctor said to assume she has it based on her symptoms and stay quarantined at home for 14 days... To treat at home unless she can't breathe then call 911 or go to ER. The doctor isn't sending her to be tested. There's nowhere to test her out here, apparently, or she's not severe enough to test. They just don't have the tests that we are repeatedly told exist. So they are rationing them. If you tell someone to self quarantine because you think they may have it--it stands to reason that you would test them. The news keeps telling us there is testing available. Trump says if people want a test they can get one. I've heard there are supposedly drive thru tests out here but people still can't get tested. I get emails from the state for my work and I'm watching the numbers shoot up every day and we're over 2k now but I'll bet it's many times more than that just based on the lack of testing. My friend says she's having a hard time talking and getting around because she's very short of breath. The doctor just prescribed her an inhaler, which the pharmacy can't fill since they are on back order. It's really frustrating how much we do not have our shit together at this point.
I'm sad that people are blaming the Chinese. They may have had an upper hand on this but they'd have needed an excellent tea leaves reader for them to ever have had a chance at never letting this happen.

Problem is people conflate blame of the government with blame of the people of a country.

The CCP should not have tried to cover it up and silence the doctor that discovered it.

Unfortunately people see 'China' and think 'Chinese' not ' Communist Party of China'.

We need to teach people to seperate their feels for a government from its people. Not everyone one votes for a government, even in countries where voting occurs.

People are people, governments are governments.

What in the actual fuck, Brazil?

TL;DR: President Bolsanaro will be fine because of his 'athletic history', and the country won't take any measures against Coronavirus because it's a media hoax.

The price of populism.

And this is why I hate anti-scienfitic populism, regardless of colour. Its actively dangerous.