Corona / Wuhan virus

Hey all.

I figured I would share this video. Could be helpful for those to regain some inner peace in the midst of great fear and uncertainty.

Some of you may be familiar with Eckhart Tolle, a huge presence in the spiritual community for sharing concepts on being more present and aware of our own inner negative thoughts, and wrote the book, “The Power of Now”. Essentially his work consist of just flowing in a state of complete awareness, present moment and tranquility.

This video gives clarity to settle your fears in regards to COVID-19. Hope this will be helpful to some of you. <3

Empathy has me down.
If only a leader would emerge. We need someone to believe in, someone that radiates hope. .frankly, I wish Barack would move trump away from the podium and tell us we are ok, he is in charge now. . there are no words for the hatred I have for trump
If only a leader would emerge. We need someone to believe in, someone that radiates hope. .frankly, I wish Barack would move trump away from the podium and tell us we are ok, he is in charge now. . there are no words for the hatred I have for trump
It's up to governors and communities now. And it seems many are doing what needs to be done where Trump will not... He's pretty useless at this point but we will get through it without him.
If only a leader would emerge. We need someone to believe in, someone that radiates hope. .frankly, I wish Barack would move trump away from the podium and tell us we are ok, he is in charge now. . there are no words for the hatred I have for trump

Dunno if this has been posted yet but it's informative
Here's a suggestion.

Instead of us all complaining about people panic buying and wasting fresh food/hoarding toilet paper, why don't we petition our politicians to include a civic responsibility and /or survival class where we teach our children how to react to a crisis to prevent this happening again?

Or shall we do what we usually do, ignore everything we've learnt and make the same mistakes again next time.