Corona / Wuhan virus

This doctor talks about young healthy people with no underlying conditions having serious issues... Of people going to the ER for one thing (car accident) yet chest x-ray shows possible COVID-19 dx and then hospital staff ends up getting infected. They need enough PPE to treat everyone like a COVID-19 patient.

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This is not political. This is death. Vague? Pointing fingers gets us nowhere. When you point a finger, remember four are pointing back at you.....just for clarity. Anything positive to say to help people? The world?

Back on subject...

I wonder how many materials in the world this will not cling to? Surely this will not live in a vacuum? If it lives on cardboard, find another shipping agent to use. Can cardboard be treated with something that will prevent this death from living on it?
It may be a very small thing used to defeat this. Think ahead. Let's go to war with it instead of treating it. No man alive could have prevented this from coming to America. We were eight weeks behind China...on a worldwide basis.
I wonder if something would eat this? Stores are installing plexiglass at cash registers. Some are scanning charge cards through the plexiglass. Stores are taping floors to keep people away from each other. It may be something simple, like worldwide prayer. If you don't like hearing that, then you know how much sense it makes to me to bash someone when the world could be dying. Gird up your loins and let's fight this together.
The virus is not alive. It doesn't reproduce on its own. That said, without a host it disintegrates on its own. So, no. It doesn't live on cardboard. Don't burn everything but do sanitize mostly everything, especially door knobs. The virus is in respiratory droplets, meaning saliva, spit, and phlegm, which is why people need to wear face shields and masks. This is also why physical distancing and quarantine is advocated because believe it or not the simple act of an infected person talking to another causes contagion.

Onto surfaces. The virus is a protein with a fatty layer protecting it. This is its chemical composition as far as researchers have discovered. When something is fatty, it disintegrates by heat, soap and water, and anything that is at least 65% alcohol---. This is why you need to disinfect. For example someone sprays their own saliva while screaming and they're infected. They spray it to their bosses, the table, and the floors.

The boss will wipe that saliva off his face. Not wash his hands, eat pizza. Yes, he will be infected. If the boss has healthy skin, chances of the virus infecting him through his skin is little. Researchers are still studying whether the virus also sticks itself in wounds.

The boss has a toddler. Remember the saliva on the floor? The boss walks out of the office and steps on bit of the saliva. He goes home right away. The virus thrives on the surface for around three hours (varies). He gets home, steps inside house where his terrible two baby is crawling everywhere. Baby picks up a ball near daddy's shoes then puts it in his mouth. Yes, baby will he infected.

Then a janitor, wearing dishwasher's gloves, a mask, etc. He sprays disinfectants on floors, tables, etc. Chances of Janitor getting infected - mimimal.

The next morning, secretary walks around the office, prepares docs. Because of Janitor's heroism, chances of the secretary getting infected also minimal.

Say that infected guy who started all the bullshit was quite healthy, stayed at home instead and didn't work? Boss's baby would have still been healthy.

The virus doesn't ask about your citizenship or your heritage. It doesn't care about skin color. It only cares about the fluids in your body that it can cling to. Damnit the virus isn't even alive. It doesn't give a fuck.

When the government does nothing that's because the people who built that government put them there. The government is the people but nobody recognizes that. It is in the power of the people to fuck the government off. That is the beauty and value of democracy but people also do not care.
The virus doesn't ask about your citizenship or your heritage. It doesn't care about skin color. It only cares about the fluids in your body that it can cling to. Damnit the virus isn't even alive. It doesn't give a fuck.

When the government does nothing that's because the people who built that government put them there. The government is the people but nobody recognizes that. It is in the power of the people to fuck the government off. That is the beauty and value of democracy but people also do not care.

Hear hear.
Yes, let's give oversight to the man who is legally barred from operating any charities by our judicial system because he and his family stole from a children's cancer charity and also a charity for vets - just two of the 8 he took money from to bolster his election and settle business debts.
(Not to mention the hideous painting he bought with the money also)
I wonder when Congress will grow a spine?
Let them eat cake...

Trump Claims Power To Gag Watchdog Overseeing New $500 Billion Bailout

In an early draft of the measure, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was granted enormous discretion to dole out payments with no oversight for a minimum of six months. Creation of a special inspector general oversight post to supervise funding was a key concession by Senate Republicans in order to win Democratic support to get the law passed. The IG was granted authority to seek information from government agencies about payouts, and to inform Congress if such requests were not met.

But on Friday, Trump wrote in a statement to accompany his signature making the measure law that the new Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery cannot go to Congress — as the law states — if refused information about loans and investments made by the treasury secretary, unless the president approves.

The provision authorizing the IG to unilaterally inform Congress is “unreasonable,” Trump said in his statement. “My administration will not treat this provision as permitting the SIGPR to issue reports to Congress without ... presidential supervision,” according to the statement.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said in a tweet: “And just like that, the Congressional oversight provisions for the 1/2 TRILLION dollar Wall St slush fund (which were *already* too weak) are tossed away the day the bill is signed.”

Former White House ethics chief Walter Shaub, "...what does Trump want to fight over? He says he wants to fight to keep Congress and regular Americans from knowing about fraud, waste and abuse in implementing the bailout,” Shaub added."
As a result, a concentrated form of UVC is now on the front line in the fight against Covid-19. In China, whole buses are being lit up by the ghostly blue light each night, while squat, UVC-emitting robots have been cleaning floors in hospitals. Banks have even been using the light to disinfect their money.


A bus is disinfected using UVC in Shanghai, China (Credit: Getty Images)

At the same time, UV equipment suppliers have reported record sales, with many urgently stepping up production to fill their orders. Arnold says UV Light Technology has run out of all of its equipment already.

But there’s a major caveat.

UVC is really nasty stuff – you shouldn't be exposed to it – Dan Arnold

“UVC is really nasty stuff – you shouldn't be exposed to it,” says Arnold. “It can take hours to get sunburn from UVB, but with UVC it takes seconds. If your eyes are exposed… you know that gritty feeling you get if you look at the sun? It’s like that times 10, just after a few seconds.”

To use UVC safely, you need specialist equipment and training.
Really? That high in the US?

Still, the viruses is killing that many in 3 months rather than a year which makes it a bit more significant.
Right, totally agree here & that's why I say more.^ Having asthma since childhood, am definitely staying inside. It's intense out there atm and I think it best if I stop reading about it much etc. Have always loathed the news anyway, too sponge like so it upsets me deeply. This too shall pass.
Right, totally agree here & that's why I say more.^ Having asthma since childhood, am definitely staying inside. It's intense out there atm and I think it best if I stop reading about it much etc. Have always loathed the news anyway, too sponge like so it upsets me deeply. This too shall pass.
I am beginning to lose it . .
Hear hear.
I really am exhausted of people turning it into a political conversation but it just cannot be helped. I understand that.

Meanwhile, crowd fear has grown senseless here. Would you believe that frontliners are actually harrassed here than helped? When identified a nurse, there have been reports of people throwing disinfectant solutions at them. It is fuckin ignorant. There are frontliners that decline to serve too. It really is madness. Amazingly, there are still at least 600 volunteers willing to fight the fight. Now that's just. Wow.
I really am exhausted of people turning it into a political conversation but it just cannot be helped. I understand that.

Meanwhile, crowd fear has grown senseless here. Would you believe that frontliners are actually harrassed here than helped? When identified a nurse, there have been reports of people throwing disinfectant solutions at them. It is fuckin ignorant. There are frontliners that decline to serve too. It really is madness. Amazingly, there are still at least 600 volunteers willing to fight the fight. Now that's just. Wow.

Its why I argue for the Moderate. It shouldn't matter if its a Republican or Democract in charge, it just needs to be someone competant who can do the job.

Unfortunately these days the extremes of both sides want to crucify anyone who doesn't pass the required purity test.

Even worse you have factions attacking each other internally rather than coming together at a crucial time.

We need leadership, not revolution. We need scientific based approaches, not ideological purity. We need someone under the age of 60 with a view to the future, not old men peddling ideas from the previous century.

But we're not getting that so, bleh.