- Enneagram
- 2w1
Are you okay @grimm?I do. And it doesn't matter if I didn't. I still like grimmlins slurpin my nips...
Are you okay @grimm?I do. And it doesn't matter if I didn't. I still like grimmlins slurpin my nips...
Are those nostrils?(o)(o)
Kind of how the US has a cure for Hepatitis C, but the medication is so expensive that it continues to infect people and people continue to die - needlessly.I think it is important to note that there is only one virus that has been eradicated. . polio. . the chances of that happening with covid-19 re somewhere between slim and none. remember we have a flu vaccine, yet people die of the flu. so all the hype about vaccine is pissing in the wind. As with HIV, prevention is the key, and no, there is no vaccine for HIV. . it's just harder to catch and we have treatments for it, yet people are still dying from it. . prevention is the best treatment, and will be for a very long time, I dont give a fuck what the government says, there will not be a vaccine
"The fact that they thanked me for my 'sacrifice' is disturbing," she told BuzzFeed News. "I never agreed to sacrifice my health and possibly my life and cannot believe that I am being forced to do so."
https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tanyachen/kaiser-permanente-lupus-chloroquineAn Arizona man died on Monday after self-medicating with a related drug, chloroquine phosphate, where chloroquine was also touted at White House news conferences.
A Los Angeles teen — who tested positive for the coronavirus — died of septic shock after being turned away from an urgent care facility because he didn’t have health insurance.
I've been asking and looking for the key as to ...Why?
Why did he decide to disband it? There is plenty of previous out breaks of mass illness just in the past 20 years to prove it warranted to keep such a team on standby.
Beginning with 2016 data, expected to be published in November 2017, the introductory information in the front of the MMWR Summary report (from the Preface to the Revised International Health Regulations) will be available on the NNDSS Data and Statistics page at https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nndss/data-and-statistics.html. In addition, the redesigned page will provide links to Tables 1–7 available in HTML, text, and PDF formats and hosted on the CDC Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (WONDER) platform.
So my question is, why now, during his term was this group pulled out of service in July 2018, and a world wide pandemic occurs December 2019? Or, did it start much earlier than that ... like in 2018-2019 and it's just now doing it's thing ???
In the fall of 2019 to January 2020, many nations are reporting that the incidences of pneumonia and hospital stays for upper respiratory infections were higher than previous years.
Coincidence ??? Perhaps not.
Russia is finally reporting their numbers. They did not dodge the bulkey after all...
***NOTE TO READERS: I beg you not to post disrespectfully on the family’s social media. Not only are they grieving, that would alienate this community and damage the potential for learning from this important morality tale. Thanks, Bo.***
Riiiight. Nostrils
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That's def what these are
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Cat teets...
Omahygaaad that's speciest! Are you saying cats have tiny nipples?!( . )( . )
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Cat teets...
I duno slant. I see blueberries drone viewRiiiight. Nostrils
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That's def what these are
You deeply amuse meI duno slant. I see blueberries drone view
Omahygaaad that's speciest! Are you saying cats have tiny nipples?!
It looks like the kitty has testicles up its throat.Not at all...