Corrupt a Wish...

Granted! But now you have to wear silly hats every day for the rest of your life.

I wish it was Friday.
Granted! But you suddenly aquire an allergy to chocolate. I'll take that gateau! :P *steals*

I wish I could live in a real elven kingom.
Granted! But you suddenly aquire an allergy to chocolate. I'll take that gateau! :P *steals*

I wish I could live in a real elven kingom.

Granted. By the way, real elves hunt and eat humans. Have fun.

I wish to be the Queen of England.
(I just wanted to do this one)
Granted, but you inherit the current queen's children and relatives as your royal family.
*ahem* not mentioning any names but somebody forgot to make a wish ......:m200:

Flavus's wish is that tactical panda falls down the stairs and lands ass first onto an oddly shaped statue of a wildebeest :m169:

I wish xmas was cancelled
^ rofl

granted, but so is your birthday

wish goldfish ruled the earth
Granted - but they were very slow with the measuring tapes as they lacked opposable thumbs and whatnot.

I wish the perfect utopian ideal upon goldfishkind.
Granted! - Because of their perfection the goldfish become arrogant and start a nuclear war with the clown fish. The clown fish respond by urinating in the goldfish's pond causing a fungal infection which wipes them out

I wish I had a pet chimp called Boris
Granted. Boris is on the verge of dieing of rabies.

I wish there were more monkey emoticons available on the thread reply window.
Granted, but they all have your face.

I wish everyone in the world was blissfuly happy.
Granted, it turns out they are all on simultaneous drug-induced highs and will be crashing into despair and depression with a few hours.

I wish that people were never nasty.

Due to political correctness words like nasty and horrible and mean are removed from the english language (however, bootyliscious remains).

In a wave of violent disapproval the whole planet revolts and riots break out with random hangings and burnings.

News reports state this as being "unfortunate" as this is the strongest word left that anyone understands

I wish Karma was true so George Bush ended up a paraplegic
Granted, he's become so after destroying half a world.

I wish for rain tomorrow D:
I wish that all the good threads on this forum weren't always carbon copies of threads on INTPforum only with less wit and more monkeys.
Granted, the monkeys are cute! :mhula:
I wish my previous wish was answered.

I wish I can walk on water!
Granted - you are a master speed reader... but only in Old English.

I wish my house would clean itself.