Corrupt A Wish

granted. you can kill a people with your mind but every time you kill a person you can't use electricity or water for a month.

i wish i have a fairy god mother who grant me wishes without consequences
Granted, she is nearly deaf.

I wish for a world of peace, harmony and no starvation (like a contestant for Miss World).
granted. But you can only use it once in your lifetime. You were so scare to misused it that you ended up not using it at all. :m122:

I wish my dad is willing to move with me.
granted. But you can only use it once in your lifetime. You were so scare to misused it that you ended up not using it at all. :m122:

I wish my dad is willing to move with me.

Granted. He moves with you, but makes you do all the logistics. :p

I wish I had a cute monkey pet. :D
Granted, now he bites you in the head.

I wish for a Delorian.
Your wish is granted [btw that is my all time favorite car]
HOWEVER, you snort one too many lines and careen off the road, flipping the Delorian. Due to your compromised mental state, you forgot to fasten your seat-belt and flew through the window. Splat.

I wish I had more money.

Your wish has been granted. You'll find a truckload of money on your lawn, sadly it is from a different time and place and nobody will take it.

I wish the road next to my house wasn't so close.
Granted, so now it's 1,000 miles away and you only have a horse and buggy to get to it if you want to leave or go anywhere

I wish I had a magic wand
Granted, all it does is magically making you fat.

I wish I could be like James Bond.
Granted. You are given the face and outfit of James Bond, without the proper badge and ID to perform your work. :p

I wish I was dancing.
Granted. Now you are dancing. But you cannot stop dancing until you fall down dead. >:)

I wish I could pursue writing or a degree in psychology and not answer equations the whole day and study mathematical theories until it bores me to death. :(
Granted, you forget how to calculate even simple stuff.

I wish I was the sexiest man in the existence.
Granted. You're the sexiest man in existence. No woman could possibly resist your looks, if it wasn't for the fact they've all become lesbians.

Edit: Now that I think about it, getting to watch numerous women kiss and fondle each other isn't exactly a wish gone wrong.

I wish I knew everything.
Your wish is granted. But now that you are all-knowing, the information overload has caused your brain to seize up and you are left in a vegetative state.
Gray matter tapioca!
I wish I had a tree house.
Granted, as soon as you get in the the branches that hold the house break.

I wish I had a soundtrack that could be heard as soon as I entered a room.
Granted, you have no work tomorow, the day after, or the day after that, because the economy tanks and you're left permanently unemployed.

I wish today was Monday
Today is Monday, and you are in Ohio stuck in an airport with cnn playing pre election garbage and adds all day. And tomorrow is Monday as well, and the next day, and the next...

I wish I was a forum favorite.