Differences between MBTI and Enneagram.
I'm not sure I necessarily agree with all of this information, but use it if it helps you get a better grasp of Enneagram vs MBTI. Note: This was taken from a predominantly pro-Enneagram website so there may be some incidents of favoritism.
Comparison Of Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Typologies (
Myers-Briggs: Jung--1920's, Myers & Briggs 1940's, Instrument 1960's.
Enneagram: Gurdjieff, Ichazo, Naranjo--late 60's
Number of Types
Myers-Briggs: 16
Enneagram: 9
Myers-Briggs: Mostly conscious behavior--4 components--Extraversion/Introversion, Sensing/iNtuition, Thinking/Feeling, Judging/Perceiving.
Enneagram: Attitudes and Behavior-relating to three centers--mental, emotional and
Character of Type Descriptions
Myers-Briggs:Mostly positive--stressing that each type has advantages and disadvantages which make each type of equal value.
Enneagram:Healthy & Unhealthy attitudes and behaviors, traditionally focus on personality defects
Internal structure of the Types
Myers-Briggs: Each type is composed of four sets of four bipolar choices.
Enneagram: Each Type can be related to one of three "intelligences", i.e. Head, Heart, Gut.
Myers-Briggs:MBTI overwhelmingly used--validated by psychological test criteria
Enneagram: Several--none validated using psychological testing criteria.
How taught
Myers-Briggs: Theory, behavior descriptions, exercises, panels
Enneagram: Description of behavior (positive & negative), traits and motives; panels
Myers-Briggs:Personal understanding, career counseling, management training most developed. Spirituality less developed.
Enneagram:Personal understanding growth and spirituality most developed. Organizational and management training less developed
Growth path
Myers-Briggs: Growth path related to "balance" --development of less favored preferences
Enneagram:Specific growth path part of theory
Development issues
Myers-Briggs: Can work on preferences directly; development of less preferred functions
Enneagram: Suggestions based on healthy/unhealthy model, and going beyond personality
Degree of conscious control
Myers-Briggs:Mostly under conscious control, especially two favorite functions
Enneagram: Difficult to go "beyond personality" directly--to work on unconscious motives.
Spiritual issues
Myers-Briggs:Some guidance for different types of prayer and worship services. Not as clear about interior practices
Enneagram:Dealt with directly--model is based on "seven deadly sins" Meditation found to be useful for "going beyond personality".
Origin of the Types in a particular individual
Myers-Briggs: Primarily genetic--like handedness. The expression may be influenced by family and cultural environment
Enneagram: Primarily genetic, with "health" determined from early childhood relationships
Key Question
Myers-Briggs: How does a person behave?
Enneagram: Why does a person behave in a certain way ?