There's only one problem: nobody intelligent enough to actually understand the complexity and ramifications of these issues exists. Not to mention that these centralized institutions are often extremely dysfunctional and according to testimonies from their former members, proposals are often amended and signed not by the properly qualified, but by whoever has the time to do that at the moment.
Regarding the first sentence, yes and this is exactly why they are planning the way they are planning, for example, someone who is dead or who is not born does not consume any resources. Voila! So you see it is possible to solve these problems without getting entangled in overcomplexity and without even having to deal with the theoretical impossibility to solve these questions. You simply pick a surefire solution which circumvents the overcomplexity problem entirely. The (probably) psychopaths in charge dont seem to have a problem with that and are not hindered by "moral issues", at least thats how it currently looks like.
Or, as another example, if you put (the remaining) people in centrally controlled, automated megacities, aka artificial enviroments which you can 100% control with "appropriate technical measures", aka full scale surveillance, social credit, centralized waste processing and so on you have full control over their environmental impact. You simply completely keep them out of nature. As long as you are able to also keep the waste out of nature, including air pollution or at least limit air pollution to such low figures that it does not really have significant impact on nature - CO2 is extremely important for plants btw and we are at an all time low historically, aka seen on the entire timescale, plants want much higher CO2 levels then there currently are - nature WILL "repair" itself. You dont have to do ANYTHING except keeping humans and their waste out of nature, oh and of course produce food "outside of nature", aka in the same megacities, for example vertical hydroponic gardens etc..
So thats one solution.
The other is to solve the problems which cannot be solved in the above mentioned way by using machine learning and computers etc.. Thats why they are currently building Skynet, 5G and all the surveillance and control crap. So they automatize what can be automatized and "simply" delegate the problems which can be delegated to machines to machines.I suggest you watch this
The remaining problems which cannot be solved by both methods (given that mankind is still in control at that point and the machines did not yet take over, this btw will not happen for "supernatural reasons" and now you can have a good laugh as you will most likely think that this is a fairytale ;-)) will still need manpower, but only a relatively small "manpower-force" will be needed. Basically engineers keeping the machine running and programmed etc. and defining the basic parameters for the machine etc., a few bureaucrats to solve complex matters, police, firefighters etc. etc..
So dont underestimate "them" - they will most likely solve the most pressing problems, for example (the real) environmental problems, but it will probably be connected with mass murder (see the useless "vaccination", although we do not know yet what exactly the "vaccination" is supposed to be for, aka if it is direct mass murder or for example "just" sterilization, or both, or if it is something different, for example a track and trace system, that it is just a front to introduce a total surveillance and social credit system is at least clear by now) and all this will probably lead to a total dystopia. I fear that the bible will once more be right - soon, it might very well be possible that nobody can buy or sell unless he has the mark.
Oh and btw I dont think that mankind will reach the "robotics stage" outlined in the above mentioned A.I. video, this will be prevented "from above" as this does not serve the purpose of mankind. Well, I should be more precise, as soon as robotics potentially starts to interfere with the purpose of man, this will be prevented. For example mankind "should have" annihilated itself with nuclear weapons I dont know how many times by now, each time it was prevented by a coincidence. Each and every time. Mathematically extremely unlikely IMHO. But of course thats no proof of supernatural intervention. It never is. And thats a good thing. So you keep your free will.