Sometimes I get annoyed at things I hear. Frequently, I hear people say things like "I don't care much for my sister's boyfriend... he's just not very friendly" or "She's no fun - she never wants to go out." Also, job descriptions often say things like "Seeking outgoing, energetic candidate," "must be a team player" and sometimes even outright "introverts would not be a good fit for this job."
Looking for someone who can make small talk with customers or work well on a team is fine, if that is a requirement for the job. But what I find annoying is when people assume that an introvert won't be good at such jobs simply because of their introversion. Most introverts CAN do those things, they're just not necessarily our favorite things or those that come most naturally to us. But heck, getting out of bed at 6:30 am doesn't come naturally to me either, and no one questions my ability to do that! (I ran into this problem when I was an internal candidate for a job opening in my office. Everyone knew I was am an introvert, and I had to try that much harder to convince them I could do the job, even though I had in fact been doing large parts of the job when another person was out on maternity leave! I eventually got the job, but not that time - I got it when another position opened up and I made sure in my interview to specifically state that I am certainly capable of doing the even the parts of the job that don't come naturally to me.)
So what do you guys think? Is this discrimination, or simply a result of introverts being misunderstood? And what about such comments disparaging people for not being "friendly" (i.e. talkative with new people) and "social" (i.e. going out a lot)?
(I haven't made up my mind about whether I think this is discrimination, and I'm not asking this out of any personal spite or looking for advice... I got the job and I like myself the way I am.... I'm just looking for a good discussion.

In a world of Es, what's an I to do?