La Sagna I did it! I'm a butterfly! MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9 Oct 22, 2015 #461 me How do you draw a blank?
Flavus Aquila Finding My Place in the Sun Banned MBTI INTJ - A Enneagram 10000 Oct 23, 2015 #463 If you don't rush into a relationship with a scumbag, you might miss out. Why does boredom have to ruin things?
If you don't rush into a relationship with a scumbag, you might miss out. Why does boredom have to ruin things?
La Sagna I did it! I'm a butterfly! MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9 Oct 23, 2015 #464 because you let it Why do people eat so much junk food?
Flavus Aquila Finding My Place in the Sun Banned MBTI INTJ - A Enneagram 10000 Oct 23, 2015 #465 It reduces landfill and saves the environment. What's the difference between a white elephant and the elephant in the room?
It reduces landfill and saves the environment. What's the difference between a white elephant and the elephant in the room?
La Sagna I did it! I'm a butterfly! MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9 Oct 23, 2015 #466 One is a financial strain and the other one is a psychological strain Why did the elephant cross the road?
One is a financial strain and the other one is a psychological strain Why did the elephant cross the road?
TinyBubbles anarchist MBTI ^.^ Enneagram . Oct 24, 2015 #467 to carry the chicken safely across on its back Why do they teach history in school?
just me Well-known member MBTI infj Oct 24, 2015 #468 So people can change it to their liking. Should a Civil War site be kept private?
Flavus Aquila Finding My Place in the Sun Banned MBTI INTJ - A Enneagram 10000 Oct 24, 2015 #469 No, captain. In white-water rafting, where did the term "shooting the rapids" come from?
hn87c901 Banned MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9w1 Nov 20, 2016 #470 Because it is an old thread. What do @Jet , @ruji and @Scientia have in common?
U Ucenna Regular Poster MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9w8 Nov 22, 2016 #471 They're the sole survivors of the Alamo. What is the average air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
They're the sole survivors of the Alamo. What is the average air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Jet The Token Extravert MBTI ENTJ Enneagram 3w2 Nov 23, 2016 #472 Trick question swallows are always laden! What is the difference between a sweet potato and a yam?
Flavus Aquila Finding My Place in the Sun Banned MBTI INTJ - A Enneagram 10000 Dec 4, 2016 #473 Hipster vs tribal fashion. What movie needs a reboot?
Wildfire Community Member MBTI INFJ Feb 14, 2018 #474 The one where the protagonist is wearing sandals in the snow. Why should we let sleeping dogs lie?
Icedream Nothing more than a thought MBTI INFJ Feb 14, 2018 #475 Dogs don't have the capacity for language, much less in their sleep. What's a safe colour to dye my hair?
Dogs don't have the capacity for language, much less in their sleep. What's a safe colour to dye my hair?
Wildfire Community Member MBTI INFJ Feb 14, 2018 #476 The ugliest color of course. Why do things get lost in translation?
La Sagna I did it! I'm a butterfly! MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9 Feb 15, 2018 #477 Because you can't read between the lines. Why is enlightenment so difficult to attain?
Wildfire Community Member MBTI INFJ Feb 16, 2018 #478 Confusion over the role of volts, watts, amps and ohms. So what are the things that are better left unsaid?
Confusion over the role of volts, watts, amps and ohms. So what are the things that are better left unsaid?
Marlize Community Member MBTI INFJ Feb 16, 2018 #479 The rules of Monopoly. Why is the Metric System not universal?
Wildfire Community Member MBTI INFJ Feb 20, 2018 #480 The imperialists have an inferiority complex. When is truth stranger than fiction?