The more deeply I read about Enneagram 8, the more it resonates with me.
However, Enneagram 8 INFJs (or ENFJs for that matter) are extremely rare, and in a lot of circles considered two types that cannot coexist in the same person. many go so far as to say that NF + 8 is impossible.
It certainly feels that way to me.
My entire life, I've been a clash of motivations - idealism vs. instinct.
For those of you in the know about MBTI and Enneagram, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this combination.
As a type 5 my direction of integration is supposed to be 8.
However, I had some difficulties with a pair of 8s a couple of years ago: one an INTJ woman `friend' and the other an xSTx male buddy.
I responded to both of them as exploitative bastards who got more than they gave and expected others to capitulate to their superiority, wonderfulness, etc.
In short I found both of them to have self-esteem levels far beyond performance levels; in this regard similar to the type 3 `motivator' (EG narcissist).
As for me integrating into a type 8, the best I can come up with to edge myself towards operating more like a leader and less like a thinker is to lead by example and to to turn my brain bastards into brain children and support them in the real world.
As an INTP I've tended to not experience much concern with having others adopt my ideas the way ENTPs are supposed.
So ... an INFJ type 8?
Adolf Hitler comes to mind for some reason.
I do confess to bias in matters of Js of any sort in positions of power or would-be `authority'.
The worst combo for me are male ENFJs; something in me wants to rip their messianic heads off and shit down their necks. Yeah, it's pretty severe, I know.
I've yet to meet an xNFJ who wasn't willing to sacrifice my personal preferences and well-being for `the greater good' ... as if (s)he were prescient enough to KNOW what that might entail.
So this doesn't endear them to me to whatever extent my biases and expectations are enacted by the particular xNFJ.
There's a lot of text out there on Enneagram; a lot of it more akin to astrology than anything scientific.
I prefer the writings of Riso & Hudson.
They use 9 levels of `health' with each Enneagram type.
The type 8s I parted company with in '09 were not healthy enough to NOT manifest self-entitled, exploitative, and destructive behavior.
I recall a similie used to describe the temperament of German dogs (Doberman Pincers, Rottweilers) as like their masters, either at your feet or at your throat.
I'm not so sure that this canard applies to either Germans or their dogs, but this seems to apply to the enneagram
Obviously, all 18 enneagram-wing permutations can function as contributing members of society as well as experience personal satisfaction.
Personally, I'm not very interested in interacting with all but the most healthy of type 8.
As a 5w4 I seem better qualified to knock them off their self-entitled pedestals than to prop them up by supporting their delusions of grandeur as `leadership material'.
I'm beginning to suspect that I may end up as a leader among fellow 5w4 iconoclasts ... forever getting knocked down off whatever pedestal some fool places me upon.