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- infj
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This is precisely why I like etiquette. I want to know the expectations without ambiguity. Social behaviors are murky, and etiquette is clear. The only issue is learning the different etiquette for each group.
This topic has really had me wrestling with my distaste of etiquette. I think you like it for the same reason I dislike it. Difficulty with picking up social cues and expectations. I have not really had the experience of people taking care to gently and kindly show me the proper etiquette without judgment. So, etiquette seems very murky and often illogical to me. So is trying to read social behaviors though so, [shrug]. I just meander the world confused and anxious. Lol
I was talking to my boyfriend about this today and he gave me a dial metaphor to work with. On one end we don't just pull down our pants and poop wherever. True. That rule I see. (though I was compelled to point out that my understanding is in some rural areas of China they do, lol) Then what fork to use or what exactly cocktail dress code means runs to the other end. He's right. It isn't just etiquette as a stable construct. And, I do get and follow some of the basics.
Yet, overall, I am probably not someone who finds etiquette super helpful at navigating social. It's just part of the muck for me. Maybe I will find a gentle teacher someday like at your dojo. Maybe this thread will eventually become my gentle teacher.
For now though, I will stop pooping here.
Now will begin observing quietly and reflecting with interest as those who value etiquette teach me its value.