Ex not blocking my number

haha! I'd totally wear that shirt!

It's a cool shirt even if the fake Black Flag shirts are played out.

@Skrimpshidy - That sucks. It seems like a natural step for a friendship with your exes brother to end upon break-up, though. It's natural for him to side with his sister.
I'm sorry this happened to you. From this thread and the other, it doesn't seem like he was a real friend.

I know how hard it is, but try not to dwell on this relationship.
It's a cool shirt even if the fake Black Flag shirts are played out.

@Skrimpshidy - That sucks. It seems like a natural step for a friendship with your exes brother to end upon break-up, though. It's natural for him to side with his sister.
I'm sorry this happened to you. From this thread and the other, it doesn't seem like he was a real friend.

I know how hard it is, but try not to dwell on this relationship.
I understand him siding with her. That’s not what pisses me off. It’s the fact he talked shit about me.
Not to mention, when the breakup happened he told me she will come back based on what she told him. He even got drunk and cried saying “You’re going to be my brother.” When I said I want to marry her one day.

Now all this.
IDK what I'm doing

That's fair. And good. I'm just saying it's unlikely that he is the only reason you guys aren't together.

Not 100% no. We both have things to take care of in our lives before anything.

The ignoring and zero communication and me being blocked is 100% his fault. Completely. Now, IF we will have a future it rests squarely on him making it right and confessing what he did.
@Skrimpshidy - Just let it go and live your life well. The best way to attract people (including exes) is to live well, be well, accomplish goals, and being proactive about living a better life. Trying to improve your appearances does not hurt, either.
So...:.. huge update!!!!!

I’ve been close “friends” with my exe’s brother for over 30 years. I always considered him my brother.
He lives alone and me and my ex were concerned about him being by himself all the time. So, I moved in with him and was renting a room.

Me and her broke up. As I was falling apart, damn near drinking myself to death, not eating for days and days. Telling him I need company, couldn’t be alone and all that.

He kept staying gone, wouldn’t talk to me. Wouldn’ give me advice, nothing.
Then telling me she hasn’t said anything. He can’t talk to her because her kids or her parents are always around:

I started getting bad juju. My mind went into another place and my intuition kicked into over drive. I knew that I knew!

Went to him when he finally came home. I told him. “You’ve been going behind my back and talking shit to her haven’t you?”

He fucking admitted it! What the hell?

The whole reason we didn’t get back together os because of him running his mouth!
It's her bro, dude. Of course it's going to be awkward. Honestly probably would have been best to find a new place once it ended.
It's her bro, dude. Of course it's going to be awkward. Honestly probably would have been best to find a new place once it ended.

I understand that. If it was so awkward he should’ve stayed the hell out of it.
There was no need to stab me in the back.

What’s more, everything he said also broke her heart too. It’s all senseless.

Fucked up thing is. I still forgive him and still love him too.
The ignoring and zero communication and me being blocked is 100% his fault. Completely.
There was a time I thought a breakup like this where someone else took part in it, that I could fix it if only she knew the truth. That is INCORRECT. She doesn't like you anymore, and whoever contributed was just there as her support to go through that transition. Doesn't matter if she knows it's a lie or if she made herself believe it. I know it's hard, but the one thing I want you to take from this entire experience, is that all this shit is a fantasy. Whatever you think about this situation, is wrong as fuck, and you can't fix it.
There was a time I thought a breakup like this where someone else took part in it, that I could fix it if only she knew the truth. That is INCORRECT. She doesn't like you anymore, and whoever contributed was just there as her support to go through that transition. Doesn't matter if she knows it's a lie or if she made herself believe it. I know it's hard, but the one thing I want you to take from this entire experience, is that all this shit is a fantasy. Whatever you think about this situation, is wrong as fuck, and you can't fix it.

I appreciate what you’re saying here. You are correct that she probably isn’t in love with me now and doesn’t want me.

I do know that wasn’t the case until he became an earworm.

Fantasy or not. I have to believe what I believe until I don’t anymore. I am the type of person who doesn’t give up until all efforts are exhausted. Maybe it’s not healthy, though that’s who I am.

At the very least and to salvage our friendship, he needs to go and confess lying about me.

I do know this woman and have for 27 years. I do believe once she see’s the truth something will change. Weather we get nack together or not. At some point there will be communication.

It doesn’t seem so, I am trying to be practical about this.
The reality is that you're just continuing to hurt yourself.

For one. I’m already hurt. My heart was already broken. As soon as I was feeling positive about life, improving myself; even made a new friend, quit drinking, slowed down on smoking and working towards quitting, back in my martial art, began lifting weights again, back to my hobbies and things which bring joy in my life, on top of letting go of the relationship, (not giving up hope, but leaving it in the hands of the Universe).....

Bam! Betrayal in the worse possible way! Now the sadness is quadrupled, I’m back to square one and my heart is breaking all over again. It also hurts so fucking bad to know, at one point there was a chance. Now, there may not be any chance left. On top of all this. Knowing every word he said just broke her heart more each time until she, believing or not; shut her heart off to me for the time being.

And I’m such a pathetic fucking moron because I’m still not slamming the god damned door on my friend after he fucked me out of the best thing ever in my life.

I’m crushed beyond belief. Fuck having feelings!
I do know that wasn’t the case until he became an earworm.
Doesn't matter. I've already mentioned that.

that’s who I am.
People love to identify with whatever trait that's too hard for them to change. You're not special. Nothing about you belongs to you.

At the very least and to salvage our friendship,
You're going to learn the hard way. I shouldn't care, but it is unfair that people these days have to put in so much effort and pain to unlearn this shit.

I do know this woman and have for 27 years.
I had to drop a long friendship too.
You think she isn't aware of this same fact? Yet she cut you out anyway. Whatever road you're headed, she's not interested anymore. 27 years was enough.

I do believe once she see’s the truth something will change.
It might, but it'll revert back into ruin.

Weather we get nack together or not. At some point there will be communication.
What's so wrong with you that you can't find someone else? You put up this front of all this romantic shit because you can't face the realization that in this moment, it is harder for you to find someone else. How hard do you think it is for her to find another guy? You have no idea
Bam! Betrayal in the worse possible way! Now the sadness is quadrupled, I’m back to square one and my heart is breaking all over again. It also hurts so fucking bad to know, at one point there was a chance. Now, there may not be any chance left. On top of all this. Knowing every word he said just broke her heart more each time until she, believing or not; shut her heart off to me for the time being.

And I’m such a pathetic fucking moron because I’m still not slamming the god damned door on my friend after he fucked me out of the best thing ever in my life.

I’m crushed beyond belief. Fuck having feelings!
You've lost two people now. It's hard.

It's OK to explore all these emotions of blame, just don't act on anything just yet because you're not in your full faculties. Balance will come back to you in time.

Focus on nothing but yourself. Take care of yourself. Improve yourself. Withhold making rational judgements because they'll be wrong.

Move out; move on.
What's so wrong with you that you can't find someone else? You put up this front of all this romantic shit because you can't face the realization that in this moment, it is harder for you to find someone else. How hard do you think it is for her to find another guy? You have no idea
No, he just loves her. I don't think it's about some kind of 'wrong with' or weakness.
Betrayal in the worse possible way
Yeah, it sucks bad dude. I too lost a friend of mine since childhood and a nearly 20 yr relationship and left my family because of their betrayal. But it only sucked for a while. Then I realized it was the best thing to ever happen to me. Woop! Humans grow in darkness! Yay!